Should You Take Days Off?


Should you take days off from trading, crypto investing, reading, writing, "hive-ing"? Should you ever rest your body and mind?

There are a lot of different perspectives out there on this. Some people often say that you should take "no days off"... others say that you can "overtrain" - typically in a gym context but it does indeed apply to other aspects of life.

What is my perspective? I tend to land in similar company to David Goggins on this issue. He doesn't really take "days off" - as in, he doesn't have days where he does absolutely nothing.

He doesn't have days where he just sits his ass on the couch and watches TV while slamming a dozen donuts. No, he always does something. But something doesn't mean overtraining and not giving his body & mind time to rest.

If his mind is tired, maybe he'll stretch instead of read. If his legs are tired from running, maybe he'll swim that day instead.

Never Take a Day Off When You Want To

When you want to take a day off - that's where things get dangerous. Allowing yourself to get lazy and just take a day off because "you don't feel like it" should never be an option to you.

So how do you take some days to rest your body and mind without just taking days off whenever you feel like it?

Planned Days Off

Have days that are planned days off. If you plan to take a break from the gym on Sunday's then so be it. That's ok. But when Monday rolls around and you don't "feel like" going to the gym, remind yourself that SUNDAY ... NOT MONDAY ... is your planned day off.

You're not allowed to not feel like you don't want to do something. When you get these feelings, push through and keep working. Work harder even. You'll enjoy your Sunday Day off that much more.

Does This Always Work?

Don't get me wrong, there are definitely times when you need some rest. 99.99% of the time, it's laziness.

On the times that it is laziness, you need to push through and allow your planned day off protocol to take over.

During the other 0.01%, you'll need to cultivate a deep understanding of yourself. In those moments, if your legs are tired. Don't run. Take a break and swim instead.

If your brain is foggy and you're struggling to write, read instead. Replace one thing with another thing of similar caliber and difficulty but utilizing different parts of your mind and body. This allows you to rest but avoid laziness.

If you want to write content on Hive but don't feel like it, try reading some posts.... Don't lazily scroll. If you find that you tend to lazily scroll through Hive posts, then read a book instead and return to the writing later.

My name is Asteroids - well, that's my Hive name, anyways. I believe firmly in the future of Web3 technology and its potential to reshape our lives. I'm a serial entrepreneur and my aim in life is to always evolve and find new ways to leverage technology in my life.

As I continue to build things, I find new and important wisdom in all sorts of places. My goal here on Hive is simply to share that wisdom so that you can improve as well.

Working is as much about building good habits as it is about doing the actual work. Remembering this on a daily basis has changed my life for the better.

Until next time,


Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I love your post, your now a friend, that I will follow his upcoming post, indeed your motto or slogan so to say is similar to mine, mine is simply achieving a betterlife. You don't take a break from your habits, you just do them, it might not happen at the exact time it always do but you never miss it, because you love doing it, same for hiving, a break doesn't necessarily mean a day it can just be some hours, really.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I love to write, so there's always something cooking up in my head that I want to get down in the form of a post or otherwise. I write when I have something to say and usually the words just pour out and I capture them lest they fade away.

At times I have enough content that I "bank" a few evergreen posts for future use. I try to write something every day to keep my mind sharp, and if I'm not feeling a post, it can be a comment, #threads, or even just a future post idea, nothings forced.

Once when I didn't know what to write about, I wrote a post about exactly that. These thoughts are floating around in the ether, and when they approach us, it's up to us to capture them and put them down for the world to enjoy. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
