Some dreams that are still Dreams—From Childhood to Adulthood, I was passionate for Teaching Profession


Hello to the Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. The start of new weekend was happy for me because I found some guest at my home. I love to have people especially when they come to meet me. I enjoyed their discussions and lot of fun. I hope, you also have a good start of the weekend.

The Start of the Chapter for my dream Job:

Everyone from his childhood to adulthood chase their dreams. Either one can turn them into reality or not but they tried their best to achieve them as soon as possible.

My dream for the dream job, carolyn

When I was a child, I also have seen many dreams. In these dreams, I prioritize them one by one to all. During my childhood, my teachers taught me computer well. In short time, I was able to made a strong bound of a teacher and a student by getting good grades in the courses of computer.

I with my Computer, picture is taken from my introduction post

Teachers Appreciation:

It was a main reason, when I had got any concept from my teacher's lecture, I did my best to deliver it to all students. In this way, I was able to minimize the stress of my teacher and I felt happiness by doing this. In these days, I and my teachers found some teaching as well as some Computer skills in me. One of my teacher predicted that I would be a good teacher or data programmer in the future. Yes, I have teaching skills and data programming skills that are proud for me. I have taken many online classes about data programming and had delivered my lectures in Zoom meetings.

Data Coding, Markus

Lectrer in Data Programming, my dream Job:

It was my dream to pursue data programming job by taking admission in any Pakistani Engineering University. Unfortunately, I was not able to get admission in any top Pakistani University for Software Engineering. I was broken at that time. I can't put myself hopeless. Hence, I decided to move one step forward through thick and thin. I accepted the challenge left my dream. Luckily, I found admission in BS IT in one of the good University. After joining IT, I was happy and put my all efforts to understand all the aspects of IT. Being a Pakistani, I can feel that my country is lacking in IT. Hence, I 'm making preparation for an international Scholarships. Actually, I want to move in America or Europe where I can get Quality education by taking admission in Mphill about Data programming. I 'm hopeful for this dream.

Data Programming, AltumCode

Although, I was not able to hit my first dream but I 'm satisfied after graduation in IT. At least, I can bridge all the gaps of modern information technology in my country. After doing master in Philosophy from Europe or America, I shall come back to Pakistan. Teaching or Lectureship is my dream job. I 'm following this job from my childhood because I love to teach people about different aspects related to Computer. Still, I 'm unable to get this drram job but I 'm hopeful after completion of MPhill from foreign country, I can pursue my this dream. But before adopting this profession, I want to correct all my flaws related to Data programming.


There are different people with different dreams. These dreams varied from age to age. The learning level and maturity affected our dreams a lot. Some people want to be a engineer or industrialist at young age but when he reached adultness, he came to realize singing will be best for him. I 'm dreaming about teaching from my childhood. In my whole age, there was nothing which had changed my thinking about teaching. I 'm happy to stay with this dream. Although, my dream job is not in my fate now but I 'm hopeful I can write my fate in second or third time. The struggle and efforts can help me in getting my dream job.

This post was my entry in HL Weekly Featured Content, I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks!

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Great dream @aslamrer . You are still on the right track. You must not give up this dream. When we do what we love, it brings us more happiness. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you @sunshine29, I 'm doing hard work for achieving this dream. Thank you for passing by with an amazing comment.


Sorry to know you weren't able to purchase your desired data programming desired occupation due to inability to gain admission into those top universities.

But then I wish you all the best in advancing with your plans to move abroad to better your knowledge and plans to help your country in the field of IT sector.


Yeah, I have very clear planning for achieving my goals. Although, still I 'm unable to get them but I 'm struggling hard. Thank you for appreciation with some great words.


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Thank you @neoxian-city for curation. I used this tag in my every post almost. I added into my plan of next month for some delegation.


This is a great post. One thing is that being a good teacher has a way of inspiring souls. Your computer teacher was your inspiration and I love your courage, not giving up on your seeking admission.

What really matters is the end result and is our efforts that will tell an I'm glad you are working tirelessly to make your dream come true.


Thank you @marynn, my Computer teacher is a big inspiration for me. I 'm happy to have some words of appreciation from you. I hope sooner, I shall turn my dreams into reality.


Just like you said, every dream is valid even at any age. That's true 100%. Some of us are still chasing ours


Our dreams direct us in a direction. They changed from age to age sometimes. Thank you for your contribution.
