Innovate Your Future


Science and technology is the two word, perhaps the blessing ideas which could pretty easily fit into the atmosphere we live in now. 21st century is all about the tale or long narrative that goes beyond our realm into unlocking new potentials every day.

Now that I am writing a blog in Inleo and a #community named Leofinance in the #web3 platform of Hive, it didnt occur naturally without the help of blockchain.

What is true in this case is that, just hive & web3 are two interdependent ideas and mechanism, the two streams that connect us and me as a writer among the other #networks of co-users of the technology.

I wouldn’t have the chance to connect to the #blockchain network without the technology. The truth is #technology will take time to reach to a new level. From web2 it developed into a better idea by switching to web3 and many more advancements to come in the future.

What I personally think that the idea that we have can take us to a new chapter. The opportunities keep opening up along with those brilliant ideas and then implementing it into a reality.

I have seen people to make progress in whatever they make out of their career and duties. At one side there are #economic race that goes with reality and on the other hand some people and folks those of them are creative ends up inventing #smart ideas alongside it.

In some way, regardless of our dedication - we can't reach to a desirable status if we cling to things that are old and only solves our demands. These things can be met by any standards, yet we can thrive using technology and ending up innovating something new.

Yesterday as I came across reading a newspaper, one fact really made me to reconsider and think about different prospects of life and human possibilities. A 14 years old who just came to study and learn coding, made and developed a #software which a big tech #company bought and they availed the unique features of it for improving their services.

The long lists go on and probably if you search that on #Google, you would see more of other instances of such facts. Our young minds are creative and they avail the apps and softwares to build and understand the rhythm of technology and making it a case to look out.

Crypto can end up reaching a new height by entwining with technology. As I look at it, I find that when AI took over bot functions and then some major crypto exchanges hired that - the #dapps looked better than ever.

It was successful to retain more of the users and restored their trust in the context of better user experience. Things are not the same for the annexation of it.

What the truth also stays the same as - we can even get more of the magic to work with it if we continue to wait and see the technology to advance and reach the new #height every end of year or month.

The rest is in our hands to avail the opportunity and take it forward. Are you ready ?

0.000 PAL