Being Foolish is Wise Sometimes


They say,

Sometimes it is wise to be foolish.

In any way or another, I think that's correct with valid proof to look at it. In any particular matter, people have their own way of judging and then casting their opinion upon the context. It is true for a reason for me, when I looked at my life and the circumstances elsewhere.

Today, I will write about it to know when to be foolish and the reason to be so. I know that, there could be dissidence and varied set of opinion where people would say, there is no logic to be foolish. Because at some point being smart can help one to be wise and efficient while performing many tasks at hand.

I believe the thing is that, people do say many things - on the other hand, the reality has a different way of interpreting that. What tactics would finally get to be unique and appropriate, it all depends on the time and context. We can't say anything about it beforehand.

If I ask you, the fellow readers and authors of Asean Hive Community, if you ever had gone through it and at certain times it looks as if something else could have happened if we acted with the witty performance and then the results subsequently would have been better.

The basic fact is that, while we have so many other choices, being fool can befool others in a circumstance where we need to survive from chosen out. Its not normal to be just get out of tasks and behave smart and act with it, to show others what we are.

Appropriacy has the last say in all of the circumstances. Those who are fool, they are simply a class that can live with better freedom. That the complexities which are seen elsewhere, they are not just the actor of conducting important tasks, but rather acts thereby to survive and pass the smaller challenges.

But in midst of it, there are some complexities which can never be solved with a heavy heads. We need a lighter working memory while we seek to be so, that helps us to reach to a new standards of living.


Anyway,whatever I described has a logic and fact backed proof that can help us to conduct a task very well. You may have seen that to work better and its just one of my tips regarding the matter.

We can better ourselves by sharpening our choices, by selecting a different tactic each day with a good mind let it perform better and bear an expected consequences of life.

Whats your thoughts regarding the matter ? Do opine it in the comment section .

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