HIVE : Beyond Earnings – Embrace Your Passions and Hobbies


#HIVE is a decentralised blogging platform that is not only to earning money. It also responds to all of your hobbies and interests. A lot of people work on the network solely to generate money. This is a good point of view, yet it is insufficient for survival in the ecosystem. It is an excellent earning platform, but it also provides you with many other benefits.

The disadvantage of viewing #hive solely as an income platform is that you will not be able to work with your interests and hobbies. You will only focus on the earnings, and if you do not earn enough from the platform, you will start blaming and may even leave the platform. However, if you have worked with interest and made it your hobby, you will not be bored with the platform.

So, rather of viewing this platform as a means of generating money, join the ecosystem with the idea that it is a hobby and exhibit interest in the platform. The advantage of this is that you will not become bored with the platform. You will not be disappointed if you do not earn enough money. Your consistency and hard work will improve even more.

You may be wondering how this platform could be a good hobby except earning. Yes, that is an excellent question. HIVE is the sole platform that provides you with various workings throughout the ecosystem. You can share contents, photographs, visual art, graphics, and many other things that fall under the category of content writer.

You can create your own vlogs and share them with friends if you are a decent photographer and a good video maker. This is one viewpoint, and the other is the gaming side, which allows #HIVE users to play games while making money. There are millions of individuals that enjoy games and can make this their hobby and leisure.

The business field is another service that this ecosystem gives to its users. Those who enjoy investing and managing their money are welcome here. You can employ internal market trading, which can be a sideline for traders. Similarly, this ecosystem gives you with marketing alternatives through the platform, which is a popular activity these days.

You may create a good and strong community within the platform that will be beneficial to all areas of your business. By creating a community, you may stay engaged with others and learn about their ideas. Your engagement will grow, generating interest in the platform. This is yet another approach to working within the ecosystem.


Learning and education are another excellent platform options. This is the platform where you will constantly study and be educated on any topic in the world that interests you. This platform teaches you about Finance, Business, Photography, Art, Cooking, Investing, Trading, and many other topics. This platform functions similarly to a learning dictionary, allowing you to educate on any topic in the globe.

Other interests and pastimes await you in the #HIVE ecosystem, depending on your personality. As a writer and investor, I aspire to be both. Along with the earning mindset, I have established the mindset that writing is my passion and that I will stick to it until I am able to work with more enthusiasm. My other hobby is investing and risk management.

I frequently open my wallet three times a day, which may appear unusual to some. But that is the fact; I enjoy investing and want to monitor and control my inputs and outflows. I'd like to use the method to keep an appropriate check and balance on my wealth and assets. This is the type of thinking that will propel you to the top of the ecosystem.

As a result, this platform provides hobbies and interests in addition to income. It helps content providers, communities, learners, activists, and developers, making it a multidimensional platform with broad benefits that go beyond financial benefits. It provides you with job in which you are interested or wish to continue.

This is an effort on my part to inform you about the fundamental goal of the #HIVE ecosystem, which is a hobby and interest in addition to making money. It is not sufficient to see this platform solely from the standpoint of income; rather, broaden your perspective and build a passion and interest in your work. I hope you find this post interesting and educational, and I hope you like it. If you enjoyed the content, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the future piece can be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.




REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


that's sound like a Nice perspective!

Hobby indeed doesn't make you bored or eliminate that earning part.. since you're enjoying doing it.. you'll eventually find a way to show up everyday and do what you are interested in.

Hive has given us plenty of things to try every other day in all kind of communities and activities.. just a gateway to learn and enjoy your life on internet while still making sound money.
