Delicioso guiso de costillas de res,por @ary21.//Delicious beef ribs stew, by @ary21.
Hello my loves, happy and blessed start of the week for all of you in this great community! In this opportunity I want to share this delicious stewed ribs, ideal for lunch, this time I accompany it with spaghetti. I hope you like it and enjoy it.
- Costillas de res.
- Cebolla.
- Ají.
- Ajo.
- Color.
- Adobo.
- Cubito.
- Beef ribs.
- Onion.
- Chili.
- Garlic.
- Color.
- Adobo.
- Diced.
Corte las costillas en parte pequeñas,luego agregué en la olla de presión, posteriormente pique los aliños y agregué los condimentos y un poco de agua, tapé y coloque al fuego para que realice su cocción.
Cut the ribs into small pieces, then add them to the pressure cooker, chop the seasonings and add the condiments and a little water, cover and place on the fire to cook.
Así quedó está deliciosa receta con tan pocos pasos, disfruten 😋😋.
This is how this delicious recipe turned out with so few steps, enjoy 😋😋.