Treasures in My Garden


Hello to all my Hive Gardeners....I would love to share some little treasures from my garden with you.

I've been trying to get into my garden for the past few weeks.

Unfortunately, there's been drama after drama in and around my home.

Firstly we had the terrible floods and rain for two weeks solid, which coursed total mayhem in Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa, resulting in a state of disaster leaving people destitute with out water and electricity for weeks on end.

Hearing of so many tragedies so close to home, people loosing love ones in mud slides and some still missing, homes being totally destroyed...roads and bridges washed away, it's just been one big disastrous event of nature.

So much heartache and destruction leaves one feeling totally helpless.

Fortunately being situated up on a hill, we didn't suffer any damage to our property other than having no water for two weeks, some days without electricity, which is miner compared to what some people have gone through and are still trying to get their lives back together.

My husband and I are overwhelmed by the kindness and caring of people towards one another, sharing where they can with what they have, it's so heart warming to experience.

Things will take quite awhile I guess, before our beautiful green hills of Natal is restored to it's former beauty.

But! my grandma use to say after a crises, "A River flows forward cannot flow backwards" so best we pick up the pieces and continue to move on.

My garden has always been my place of solitude, where I can be alone with my emotions and thoughts.

So!... please come with me to assess what needs to be done after these torrential rain falls we've had here in Durban.

My trees need trimming for sure, the dead branches drooping sadly, crying out to be pruned; we won't talk about all the weeding too. They seem to have taken over the garden in such a short time, although, I must say, the water logged ground makes it a little easier to pull them out.

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We have quite a few different species of aloes in our garden, these two are called (Aloe Marlothii) Mountain Aloe, they produce a yellowish-orange tubular flower with a thick green stalk.
They normally flower in winter which shouldn't be long now before they start showing off their beautiful array of color.
Some people use the dried dead leaves to make snuff by crushing them into a powder, then sniffing it up their nose.....Omg!....I've never tried it Lol!...don't think I will either.

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These Aloes can be found adorning our beautiful coastal beaches as well.

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Aloe Vera
My favorite plant because of it's medicinal properties. I can't plant enough of them around my garden.
One can make a smoothie from the flesh of the leaf...cut the spiky skin off and use the inside flesh of the plant and mix it in with what ever other fruit one has to make a delicious healthy smoothie.
It can also be used for sunburn and other irritations to the skin.

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The Bulbinella is part of the Aloe family.


The other day I burnt my hand on the oven element, I rushed into the garden and picked the long tubular leaves of the Bulbinella plant, squeezed the juice out and rubbed it on the burn, I never had a blister or any redness the next day, it's my miracle plant.

The Bulbinella plant can be used for burns, rashes, blisters, insect bites, cracked lips, acne, cold sores, mouth ulcers and cracked skin. It truly is a miracle plant.
My two favorites, Bulbinella and Aloe Vera I won't do without those to treasures in my garden.

Now that the sun is shinning again, I can get back into my garden and get ready for my winter plants and vegetables.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share my two favorite treasures in my garden, The Bulbinella and Aloe Vera hope to share some more of my treasures with you in the near future.
Until next time.



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All photos property of @artywink
Original content by @artywink


Aloe vera is also a treasure in my garden. It helps me to treat wounds, and also keeps my hair healthy, and shiny. Glad, it's in your garden


Your Grandma was a very wise lady my friend! I think it's all the dramas that's been happening around us that made me miss this lovely post of yours! The road that our little road comes from, has been so busy of late because of many roads leading to it being damaged or washed away, so we try not to even go anywhere and order groceries online as it's like driving in peak traffic all day long!
