"Love and Intimacy"


I thought I'd write a short fiction for "Day two" Topic "Reconciliation Day" of the daily blogging challenge, hosted by @traciyork.

"Love and Intimacy".

Maggie looked nervously at her watch, then walked over to the lounge window, peering out into the driveway.

After a month of deliberately ignoring Tom's calls, he finally got her attention and convinced her to meet him today.

"What on earth is he thinking", she thought anxiously.
Did he think he was going to politely walk back into her life and pretend nothing happened?
"No ways Tom McDonald... that ain't going to happened", she shouted out loud.

"There is just no way of them ever getting back together...never ever in a million years".
Her career was at the peek of success, it was the only thing that kept her sane all these years.
Reflecting back, Maggie wondered if he understood the ramifications of his infidelity and how it had effected her; she was always open and honest...she always thought their relationship was solid and nothing or nobody could break that bond... until Pricilla entered their lives.

Never again did she want to experience that emptiness she felt after the divorce, the loneliness and sadness and total despair; she promised never to make herself vulnerable, physically or emotionally again.

Picking up her purse and car keys from the coffee table she made her way towards the door, feeling the urge to run from the fear she felt rise up in her being, she just didn't have the strength to face it, at least not yet.

Opening the door, she froze in her tracks, starring at him.

"Hello Mags", he said politely.

"Tom...I...I was just about to leave.....I don't think it's a good idea.. I mean" fumbling over her words.

"Please",...he replied reaching out and gently touching her arm. "I just want to talk...that's all", he reassured her.

Maggie looked at him hesitantly, then stepped back to allow him in.

Picture by Priscilla DuPreez - Unsplash
He kissed her on the cheek, the clean pure sent of his body was rather over whelming , it brought so many memories flooding back, memories she really couldn't deal with right now.
He still had that "finesse" that attracted him to her, and that made her afraid, making her aware that she still hadn't let him go completely.
Tom noticed her anxiety, he could always read her like a book, he walked over to the couch and casually took a seat.
"Relax Mags...please"...he said reassuringly.
"Would you like a gin and tonic", she asked him.
"Love one" he replied.
Maggie poured a stiff one for herself, she felt she needed it.

"Does Pricilla know you're here?" she asked handing him the drink.
"Pricilla and I broke up a year ago" he replied. "It just didn't work out". Putting his drink on the side table, he earnestly looked at Maggie.

"Why I'm here Mags.... is to apologize to you, to tell you how sorry I am for hurting you the way I did". He went on to explain what actually happened back then, and how it had nothing to do with what she did or didn't do in their marriage, he just wanted her to know that and ask for her forgiveness.
"I still love you Mags... I always have and always will".

She felt something explode inside of her when he said those words out loud.
She felt mixed emotions, part of her wanted to slap him, the other wanted him to hold her and kiss her, never to let her go again.
Part of her wanted so badly to believe him, could she? has he changed?

What if he was telling the truth? She started to relax and open up to him about her own feelings, and how it actually made her a stronger person.

They spoke for hours, relaxing in each others company like two old married couples.

Picture by everton-vila-Asah - Unsplash
They spoke about the good times they had, with no care in the world.
Tom told her that he had learnt what true love is, and that Maggie was his soul mate he never ever wanted to loose again.
Picure by Joanna-nix-walkup-gewiyeDzjyk-Unsplash

Tom proposed to Maggie after a month of their reconciliation, they plan a quiet honeymoon in their own back yard of their new house, just the two of them and their new fur baby, Jack the Labrador.

Hope you have enjoyed my short story.
Until next time.

This has been my contribution to to @traciyork [Hive blog posting Month]


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All photos property of @artywink
Original content by @artywink
