


40 x 60 cm
Viktoria Vorobiova

I called this painting "Stream" because it was painted that way.
Without a pencil, immediately with paints. I let go of myself and surrendered to the flow, allowing the moment to make the main forms.
For me, this picture is special. While drawing it, I discovered new sensations of creation, detachment from the result and creation in the flow.
Each painting is a new experience. It can be compared to traveling to another country where you have never been before and know nothing about it.
Each new picture brings new awareness, insights, feelings, shades of feelings. Each painting is unique and individual. And I believe that every picture is predetermined.

Therefore, when the question arises, to draw or not to draw, the first thing always responds in my soul - of course, to draw!
Because it's very stupid not to let a new experience happen to me. And it's cruel not to let one more picture appear in this world.

I am sure that art is as necessary for this world as oxygen is.
Let's breathe in!

Other our works will be posted on Hive: @artvik
You are welcome!

0.200 PAL


I really love this artwork and your accompanied writing!

I let go of myself and surrendered to the flow, allowing the moment to make the main forms.

So much art gets spoiled by the arbitrary restrictions we place on blocking the "flow". I love to sometimes just write "in the flow" and see where the words take me. My poetry is like this painting, it just flows and the words don't always make much sense.

I am sure that art is as necessary for this world as oxygen is.
Let's breathe in!

I concur! What a wonderful statement. Let us breathe art in like oxygen. Art becomes a way of living.

Really stunning artwork. The flow of the work and the flow of the process to get to the artwork or finished work speaks volumes. Let us breathe artworks!

0.000 PAL

Thank you, friend @fermentedphil!
It's great that you know and exerience that feeling of flow in your creating :)
Thanks a lot for your feedback and understanding 🙏

0.000 PAL

All the best! Looking forward to your new work.

0.000 PAL

This 'Stream' definitely has some flow! Really nice use of color and movement in your technique. Thanks for sharing!

0.000 PAL

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Must be very pleasant paint it.

Beautiful result

0.000 PAL

Thank you so much)

0.000 PAL