Ballad about the heart


This song is a cover of a song written by Russian singer Yovin.
Its is called "Heart".
I really love this song for its lyricism, melodic.
It reveals in me the feelings of old ballads, eternal themes about love and pain, about accepting and letting go of different fellings. It's about that moment when you no longer need to control and share anything, but you just have to indulge in something more than you are, in the song this is the sea.

It is a pity that many of you who do not understand Russian will not understand the words.
But they are very lyrical and draw beautiful almost fabulous images.
Therefore, here is the translation of the text of this song:

Midnight followed my heart
Scattered countless handfuls of silver,
She promised to keep it in a velvet case
Between stars and sapphires, rubies, diamonds.
But her promises were false -
The silver of the moon is worth nothing.
I said: midnight come back
I won't give you my poor heart.

Winter came for my heart
She promised to dress it in white clothes,
Promised the castles to the sky,
Mirrors of ice, bedspreads of silk
Only her voice creaked like skids,
And the window froze with her breath.
I said: winter, come back,
I won't give you my poor heart.

People came for my heart
They promised to love and guard it forever,
But their hands were black to the elbow,
And their eyes did not want to look at anything,
And in their houses the chests rattled under the locks,
There were beating and beating other people's hearts.
I said: people come back
I won't give you my poor heart.

I'll take my heart and throw it into the sea
Let it fall over the edge of the horizon
Let it drown in the abyss of water,
Let it be carried away by a distant current,
Let dolphins and fish swim over it,
May it never know sadness
Let the sea mermaid take it,
Who never had a heart.

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