My First Post From Norway #Fungi Friday 🍄 🍄 🍄 - Amanita Muscaria
My family arrived in Norway in May 2023.
One day I will tell all about the war days, about our journey and about all the months we have already spent here.
I will still make up for the time of my absence in Hive, especially since there is so much to tell and show!
But today i want to show you the one, who saved me from depression and self-destruction...
Norway is well known for its legends about Amanitas, as well as their incredible number.
I made sure of this from my own experience)
They don't exist where I was born, and you have to travel hundreds of kilometers inland to see them.
But in Norway, they grow in parks and gardens, and of course in the forest.
I knew about the properties of these mushrooms, and about their use both in cooking and in self-development, so of course I tasted them, and continued to eat them until it snowed)
I do not encourage anyone to do the same!!!
It was my conscious choice (after all the horrors I've seen), and it's not a fact that it will work for you.
I just suggest you enjoy their appearance...
Gradually, I will show all the types of Amanita that I managed to find.
And in general, over the past summer, I took thousands of photos of different mushrooms. So wait for new mushroom posts)
That's all for today, thanks for your ateention!
My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw
Take care of yourself and your loved ones and see you soon!
These are beautiful! I hope you guys are doing ok :)
Looks like are well stashed ;p
Everything is great, now! Life just started again)
Thanks for your support!!!
That's good to hear :)
Your words are really warming my heart! Thank you so much!
How great to read you dear friend @arhat
It will be very interesting to read everything you have to tell us, and see the different species of mushrooms you have found. The amanitas are really beautiful, I really enjoyed each of your photographs.
have a wonderful weekend
Thanks a lot! I'll try my best to please you!😀
This mushroom 🍄 are amazingly colorful, it's natural beauty help to refresh you mind as nature has a way of affecting us in a positive way. It's good to know you are doing great
Thanks a lot, I'm really appreciate it!
Those mushrooms are beautiful and pristine. I know someone who tried the Amanita when she was feeling very down and confused about her path in life. Apparently, it led her in a way that opened up her mind to something she hadn't thought about. I think it is an amazing mushroom. Thank you for sharing. 😊
This is really magic fungi, and its good that more and more people get know about it)
Вітаю з поверненням до Вулика! Було б справді почути, що з вами трапилося за весь цей час. А мухомори і справді красиві.
Привіт! Так це був дуже насичений рік, і цей продовжує також дивувати)
Часу дуже мало, через вивчення мови, проходження практики, та і взагалі, ще варто стільки всього подивитись і зробити, що на соц. мережі нема ні часу, ні сил... Може воно і найкраще, бо стали ближчі до природи і почали чути свої думки і бажання)
Буду намагатись поступово, розповідати все можливе), тим паче тепер не треба думати про що зробити пост, слід просто обирати, про що зробити пост, саме сьогодні, із усього того різномаїття фото та нотаток)
Дякую за підримку! Як там у вас справи?
They look so beautiful even in pictures, then how delightful it must be in seeing them in front of one's eye😍🦋
How you can eat them? In Norway, we said those are poisonous.
They are the same all over the world. Indeed, this specie is toxic, but it also contains very useful elements, and can be consumed in medicinal purposes - everything depends on the dose! Big dose - more than 5 big mushrooms - can be lethal.
So how is the Norway? ☘️
It is a small one or the creativity for the Camera? It looks great to see the nature and calm your soul.