NeedleWork: My Team Just Knitted a Slippers for Traditional Marriage Emergency Delivery


Just rounded up with clean knitted or crocheted slippers to be used for traditional marriage by a customer, making the red-colored yarn butterfly slippers this early morning was really a great one as the customer is already preparing to make use of it this same evening for her traditional marriage.


The new customer was directed by someone who has been patronizing my work because of the quality materials and designs I and my team use for shoe and slippers knitting. When the customer came newly inside my shop to place a demand for the slippers, she was actually opportune to see most of the already made knitted or crochet slippers which got her confused on the actual one she may be going for.

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As the customer continued seeing the already made slippers that were the more confused she became. I quickly noticed her movement around the shop because as a shoemaker or businessman, it is still my duty to understand the customers feeling and desires. I asked her what she really want to use the slippers for and she told me that she will be using them this evening for her traditional marriage but she doesn’t really know if I can make it up to her and she’s also confused about the type of slippers to go for.


After her explanation, I asked her the type of material and color she want to use for the traditional marriage. She told me that will be a red top and down, red earrings, a red round bead necklace, waist bead, and others. I told her that red knitted butterfly slippers will match but you have to select the exact type.

I have to give her some knitted or crocheted slippers magazines to select from. After her selection, I also gave her a catalog for a price for which she also selected her choice.


For me to meet up with her demand as she will be using the slippers today, I have to instruct my teams to get to work. In the end, we were able to achieve successfully knitted slippers for the bride.


I have to confess to you all that because we were in a haste to meet up with the slippers we nearly missed the gum timing but great to nature that the sun came out very early today at least for drying the gum on the sole and the leather for like 2hrs.


Materials that were used for the slippers knitting are:

Red-colored yarn: This material that looks like the thread was used to show the top design and beauty of the slippers. Without yarn or crochet, the knitting of any quality slippers may not be showcased.


Sole: This material is as common as anything in shoemaking. Quality slippers work together with soles to make the slippers last long and protect the owner from any harmful object from the outing.

Leather: This material must also be considered important for the making of slippers. The leather mostly goes along with the top yarn material as the knitting must be done with the top leather of the slippers and then gum later with the sole of the slipper.


Common tools used for the knitted slippers are:

Yarn pin.




Lighter matches.



How to make the knitted slippers:

Getting the materials from the nearby wholesale market shop is very important.

Knowing the type of slippers you are about to knit.

Measure the leathers.

Take a drawing of the top slippers you want to work on the leather.

Use sharp scissors to cut the leather.

Make a small hole around the leather and then knit around the leather first.

Start the main knitting that will comprise the design of the slippers but make sure to place your hand well.

Use sandpaper to scratch to sole and leather.

Place them under the sun for a few hours depending on the hotness of the sun.

Fix your slippers together once the gum is dried.




The red slippers for the bride were very nice.
I'm glad you always manage to please your customers.

Best regards.


Big thanks for the wonderful compliments.


You are so creative.. I wanna try this too someday


That will be good for u to try.
