Receta: Empanadas de pollo, tradición y sabor [Esp/Eng]
Hola Queridos amigos, reciban un cordial saludo.
La vida está llena de diversos placeres y uno de los más exquisitos es el comer. Comer representa para nosotros una necesidad básica, pero también representa disfrutar del Vaivén de los sabores y olores, cada comida, cada olor y cada sabor, por más básico que parezca nos remonta a un recuerdo, una etapa o inclusive a un momento en nuestras vidas.
Hello Dear friends, receive a cordial greeting.
Life is full of diverse pleasures and one of the most exquisite is eating. Eating represents for us a basic need, but it also represents enjoying the swing of flavors and smells, every food, every smell and every taste, however basic it may seem, takes us back to a memory, a stage or even a moment in our lives.
Poster de mi autoría realizado con Canva.
Dear friends, today I come to bring you my personal recipe for the exquisite empanadas but with chicken. As I mentioned before, each flavor takes us back to a moment in our lives, for me empanadas represent a delicious food, but it also represents a stage in my childhood, the most beautiful stage of my life. The empanada is perhaps one of the quintessential breakfasts or dinners at the Venezuelan table.
Este plato en particular me remonta a mis días escolares dónde ya aproximadamente a las 9 de la mañana estaba ansioso por comer mi desayuno, era tal la alegría del sonar de la campana de receso que rápidamente corría a la cantina a comprarme 2 empanadas a veces de pollo y otras veces de queso. Las empanadas son un plato muy polifacético, pues se puede servir en desayunos, cenas, cómo pasapalos, en reuniones o fiestas o inclusive de meriendas, es ello que el día de hoy quise compartir mi receta personal con todos ustedes.
This particular dish takes me back to my school days where at approximately 9 am I was already anxious to eat my breakfast, I was so happy when the recess bell rang that I quickly ran to the canteen to buy 2 empanadas, sometimes with chicken and sometimes with cheese. Empanadas are a very versatile dish, as they can be served for breakfast, dinner, as appetizers, at meetings or parties or even as snacks, which is why today I wanted to share my personal recipe with all of you.
Para esta receta ocuparemos lo siguiente:
Para el relleno:
- Media Lechuga de pollo
- 2 cebollas medianas
- Aji dulce
- Especias (orégano en polvo, ajo en polvo, paprica y pimienta negra molida)
- Sal
- Aceite.
Para la masa
- 3 tazas de harina de maíz precocida
- Sal y azúcar al gusto.
For this recipe we will use the following:
For the filling:
- Half a chicken lettuce
- 2 medium onions
- Sweet chili
- Spices (oregano powder, garlic powder, paprika and ground black pepper)
- Salt
- Oil.
For the dough
- 3 cups of precooked corn flour.
- Salt and sugar to taste.
Paso 1 El guiso.
Step 1 The stew.
Take the half chicken breast and boil it for 10 to 15 minutes in a pot with a little salt, so that it cooks and then we can easily shred it.
Meanwhile we take the onions and chop them. The cut of the onion can be as you prefer, I chose a julienne cut because I like to feel the onion flavor but this is optional. Then we chop the aji dulce and the chives.
After chopping our vegetables we check that our chicken breast is cooked, the exact point is when it is completely white and can be easily shredded, we take it off the heat and wait for it to cool down so as not to burn ourselves. Do not throw away the water from the chicken.
Una vez este fría comenzamos a desmenuzarla con nuestras propias manos, cuando ya la tengamos completamente desmenuzada vamos y ponemos a calentar una sartén con suficiente aceite a fuego rapido.
Once it is cold we start to crumble it with our own hands, when we have it completely crumbled we go and heat a frying pan with enough oil over high heat.
In the frying pan we put our vegetables to brown a little while stirring them so that they do not stick or burn.
After sautéing them a little, add the shredded chicken. After incorporating the chicken we proceed to add our spices along with a little salt, as we are sautéing we add a little water from the chicken broth to give more flavor to the preparation. We let it cook over medium heat for 10 minutes to reduce a little our stew and then we turn it off.
Paso 2.
La Masa y el Armado.
Step 2.
The Dough and Assembly.
To make the dough we will find a bowl and add 4 cups of water, to the water we will add salt and sugar to taste. Then little by little we will add the flour. I am doing it by eye because I already have practice.
Amasamos bien durante un minuto y procedemos a engrasar un poco una bolsa plástica la cual nos va a servir para aplanar nuestra masa y formar unos discos finos. Podemos ayudarnos con un rodillo o con un recipiente plano con circunferencia para aplastar o aplanar nuestra masa.
Knead well for one minute and proceed to grease a plastic bag which will be used to flatten our dough and form thin discs. We can use a rolling pin or a flat container with a circumference to flatten our dough.
Luego colocamos un poco de guiso en nuestros discos de masa y cerramos asegurándonos bien de haber cerrado todos los bordes de la masa.
Then we put a little of the stew on our dough discs and close them, making sure we have closed all the edges of the dough.
Luego en una sartén bien caliente con suficiente aceite colocamos nuestras empanadas a freír revisando constantemente para que no se quemen.
Then in a very hot pan with enough oil we place our empanadas to fry, checking constantly so that they do not burn.
Está preparación alcanza para aproximadamente 15 empanadas.
This preparation is enough for approximately 15 empanadas.
Now you can enjoy some delicious chicken empanadas. Dear friends, I hope you liked this recipe that I am sharing with all of you with much affection, receive a warm greeting and a prosperous year 2023.
Do you want to know more about me? I invite you to read My presentation on Hive Blog.
Author | @apolo1 |
Country | Venezuela |
CATEGORY | recipe, breakfast, snacks, spahish, chicken, food, blocktrades, curangel, foodies, palnet |
Editing and banners | Canva, Picsart and Giftshort |
Photography | My Divice: Redmi Note 10s |
Thanks for the recipe mate, it's a dish I really like
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