Working on my body, mind and heart.

It is not enough to have a healthy body and a pretty face, we must have in order and very clear our feelings and a clear mind.

Sometimes I get angry easily, I have emotional lows, headaches, and certain doubts about what to do with my life ... And I really think that I have more to do with hormonal problems than real problems, but it's not my fault because I'm a woman and I usually have ups and downs of hormones by my menstrual cycle.

But the good thing is that I am taking matters into my own hands and taking control of my life again. I am looking for information about it and all the bad thoughts apart from the calories I eliminate them in the gym, and that way I also take the opportunity to get in better shape.

I also complement this with a good diet and positive thoughts to balance a good stimulus for my heart.

Thanks to this lately I have had a few better days and everything has been getting better and better and I see the outlook of my life better and better, thank God.


Fotografía de mi Autoría @anyelina93



That's good, you go gal, keep God with you. It will get easier wit time, & you will have a few lucky accidents[coincidences] come you way & you can steam roll wit them. [& keep your phone away for sections of tyme.]
