When you share what you like, it makes you happier.


Whenever I'm with my family and it's time to eat, it makes me very happy to see how we all gather around the table to share the food, the taste that we like so much and that unites us.
Stress and day to day work make us want to be alone, because many times loneliness brings peace, but be careful not to forget that those who are around us are the people who love us and who also bring us peace.

Lately to get together as a family and spend more time together we make a nice dinner that we all like, and tell each other how was our day, and if it went badly, forget as much as possible what happened.

So every night after this little family reunion I thank God for this day, for my family, for my health, that we never lack food or good people with good deeds around us.

Take care of your families, take care of your lives.


Author's Own Image @anyelina93

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