The most beautiful holiday of the year is here... The beautiful Christmas.



Author's Own Image @anyelina93

In these times of Christmas holidays the important thing is not the material and family togetherness.

Many think that gifts and dresses will make us have a merry Christmas, but it is the opposite...
Family and loved ones is the most important thing and is what really makes us happy.

Christmas is a time where love and peace should rule, especially with our families and in our hearts. This beautiful feeling of ending one year and starting another one with our families is the best thing we can feel.

So my friends, material things can be obtained at any other time, but family comes first because someday we will not have them.

Happy Holidays.

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Indeed, it is a time of love and peace, I love to see friends or family reconciling on these dates and be the best people afterwards, for me Christmas has that magical power of union.

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