Recipe for happiness.
Many times neither material things nor money make us happy enough because we feel that something is missing, something is not right, something does not fit and so we do not feel full as complete people.
It turns out that first of all we must love ourselves, first of all, we must have a lot of self-love, leave aside what people will say, leave the fears, the stereotypes of society, everyone is unique, unique in style and thought. Things always go better when we do it from the heart and not when something is imposed on us.
If you feel overwhelmed by society or by what people will say and you have the monetary resources, take a trip for yourself, get to know yourself, try to eat different things, relax, concentrate, know yourself and think if what you are doing is what really makes you happy. And if it is not, don't think about it, act once and for all.
If you are in a relationship, take enough time and tell him/her how you feel, look for a solution together and make a short term plan to take actions related to the change you want to achieve in your lives.
Remember that frustration is not an option. You may feel stuck for a long time, just as I was, I couldn't find a way out and I even thought I was doomed to live unhappy, but I was wrong and here I am... Years later, I am strong and happy. Thanks to God.