Make yourself pretty.
Hello friends of this beautiful community, where I have always liked to publish, since I always feel free to write what I want and what I feel.
This time I want to give a message to women who suffer from low self-esteem like me... For many years I suffered from low self-esteem because of other people, as a result of this I could not do other things to better myself in life.
Fortunately my daughter pushed me to be able to graduate and move forward but today, despite my complexes with my body, I fix myself and make myself pretty to go out and enjoy myself because that is the only thing we are going to take from this life.
So friends do the same! Get dressed up and make yourselves beautiful, go out, enjoy and have a good time... you belong to yourselves, you don't belong to any man, so if you don't value yourselves go away, something better will come along.

Unfortunately, low self-esteem preventas us from doing things in the time we are supposed to be finishing, but the good thing is that there is always hope and if you want to, you can