Life is better as a team.
Hello friends of this beautiful community I hope everyone is doing well, a big hug for everyone.
Friends I tell you that I recently started exercising and eating healthier for my physical and emotional health, recently another friend also started in this new healthier routine to accompany me, and both motivate us to continue in this lifestyle.
My friend is a very beautiful girl, with very good feelings and a 100% hard worker, but she was missing something more exciting in her life and that was to start this kind of routine to look and feel better.
So together we started the gym and little by little we have been noticing the results ... I will not deny that at first it was very painful, especially in the legs which is where most physical effort is made and obviously a willpower to comply with the diet hehehe.
But little by little it is getting easier and more bearable routine to achieve our goals to look and feel good.