Happy new year and happy birthday.


Hello dear friends of this beautiful community, I hope you are all very well, I send a big hug to all of you.

In this opportunity I am going to show you some nice pictures taken yesterday on the birthday of my friend Angela on her 29th birthday and we celebrated as always her closest friends together with her family.


Author's Own Image @anyelina93

My friend Daniel and I took her a birthday cake to eat and share, which by the way was delicious and the birthday girl was happy with her cake.


Author's Own Image @anyelina93

For dinner before the cake we prepared hamburgers to share among all of us, and as always we asked for more since they were super delicious....


Author's Own Image @anyelina93

Then we had a few beers and talked a lot, it was a really nice two hours among good friends and family.


Author's Own Image @anyelina93

We danced and took pictures to remember these pleasant moments that we have lived together in these last 15 years.


Author's Own Image @anyelina93

There have been fights, tears, joys, fun, brotherhood, disagreements, but the most important thing is that we have stayed together during all these years no matter what the circumstances.

I hope that wherever you are you can have a beautiful friendship just like me, brothers that life gave me and that I will always love you.


Author's Own Image @anyelina93

These pictures were taken by my Motorola G6 Play phone and are of my authorship.

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