Feeling the same respect makes us respect the different ideas

We all think differently, and that does not mean that we can not respect the opinion of others, that is where the success of coexistence comes from, understanding that we have different thoughts, and mixed in each of the stages, as children, adolescents and adults.
Respect is a guide that allows us to live in harmony, and this is built from the basics, and is strengthened over time, then everything is done mechanically and integrally, respect is a value built and taught at home, when we show respect to parents, we can do it with other adults, and then with other people, if someone expresses a different opinion even if we do not share it is his opinion, maybe he does not share ours, but he respects it.
We live giving our opinion every day, and that is what everyone does, and if we concentrate we all manage to make of all the opinions a result that helps to solve a certain problem, respect leads us to active communication, and communication to respect, they are reciprocal elements that should not be missing in us.
From the vision of parents we like to give love to our children, from the perspective of respect, in the same way that our parents did it, and those that their parents did not do it, does not mean that they do not have to do it, respect is good for all of us and we have to earn it with integrity, and we will all come out winners, both the one who applies it and the one who receives it.
Nowadays I feel that this value has been diminished, and that is why people move away from each other, communication fails and everything becomes disconnected. Our greatest teaching to any other person is to give respect to receive the same, and all ideas, even though they confront each other, can coexist healthily and even more, they can solve mutual difficulties, something that is so lacking nowadays.
good stuff