Do you look like mom or dad?


Many times children are identical to their fathers, or on the contrary, they are identical to their mothers. But I tell you my personal experience is that my daughter is identical to her father physically, but her character or temperament is identical to mine.

And sometimes it is a little difficult because we both have the same character. Many times in the street they ask me if she is my sister hahaha because she is almost the same size as me, and I am small but my daughter is super big for her age and it is funny when we are together for the same reason.

But in spite of everything my daughter is super identical to her father, and it is not only because of her face, it is because of her body, her front, her back, her hair, how she walks, even how she sleeps is identical to her father. And it hurts because it hurts to create a human being for 9 long months so that in the end they don't look like you hahaha.

Anyway they are our children and we must love them.

I love you daughter.


Author's Own Image @anyelina93

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