A fun way to relax

Today I want to talk about an entertaining way that helps me to relax, when I am saturated with so many worries in my mind, I take one of my favorite books and start reading it, this takes me to a pleasant state of relaxation, and I start to de-stress completely.
I would like to spend all my time introduced in each of my passionate readings, I like those of love stories, romantic, I am a woman and romanticism captivates me, this way I leave behind my bad moments of emotional collapse.
My relaxation is greater when next to my daughter I read her those children's stories that remind me of my childhood.
Stress or mental fatigue wears out our well being, and so does routine, and this wear and tear weakens my mood, reading makes me balance my emotions, another thing that gives me peace of mind is writing, in it I capture everything that happens to me, and gives me the opportunity to identify my problems.
Many people relax doing other things, like painting, dancing, singing, in my case I manage to calm myself by writing and reading, sometimes I get away from these habits because of my occupations, and when I collapse I remember what makes me well and I do it more often, reading and writing, of my life and of the people important to me, it is like my personal anti stress therapy, and the best of these good habits is that I do not need expensive resources, just paper and pencil, there I capture my emotions and I meet them again until I balance them completely.