Time to eat some crow.
These following screenshots and links were research I was doing to further resist the changes to peakd that hide downvoting 'trolls' from the user interface (ui).
My understanding of what changes were to be enforced was not the reality of what actually changed.
My private conversations with @asgarth did nothing to change my mind that hiding speech, even trollspeak, from the users is a terrible idea.
However, further research into what those changes actually looked like did change my mind.
I think that @peakd did a fine job of this.
They did not eliminate trollspeak from the ui.
They did move access to this data from being seen on the post when intially opened, but in doing that it was only moved to one additional click on the post.
It did not force us to go to hiveblocks to find the data.
My understanding was that we would have to look there to find these downvotes.
That was not the case.
I was wrong in my assumptions and was shown the error of my post by further research of what actually took place.
I now think this is a manageable change to the ui.
I'm not a big fan of spaminator's downvote being hidden if the post reaches .8hbd in payout.
But, that is of lesser consequence.
The larger issue still remaining is that posts on trending will show no community dissatisfaction unless one of those dissatisfied enough to downvote overcomes the 1% threshold.
As you see in the first example above, downvotes less than 3hbd don't show upon opening the post, but only upon further inquiry.
Perhaps @jarvie and @asgarth can find a way to accommodate the community dissatisfaction on the overrewarded posts on trending.
As things are now, a 100hbd post will not show a downvote of less than 1hbd.
A 200hbd payout will show no downvotes of less than 2hbd.
This is irrespective of the collective value of the downvotes.
Downvotes totaling more than 1% of the payout won't show if they are individually less than 1% of the payout.
The community could place xxhbd of downvotes on a post and that community dissatisfaction not be shown to a casual reader.
Only if that reader had an interest to look in the vote links would they see that the community is really dissatisfied with that particular post.
A much less egregious change than eliminating trollspeak entirely.
The issue of the xaccounts are what brought my blood to boiling.
This was intimated as the motivation behind the change.
It is my understanding that @transisto is behind this initiative.
These accounts make it easy to counter the largest votes being given, both up and down.
However, hive.vote won't let you follow their trails as they have less than 1000hp.
If somebody from transisto's camp will contact me, maybe we can work out an accomodation.
Join the Hive Discordiant Room: https://app.element.io/#/room/#hivediscord:matrix.org
If you are not aware, the top 20 accounts take ~53% of the daily inflation.
Half for themselves and half for the authors that find their favor.
I believe this to be a major drawback in how hive has approached the market since its steem days.
Why would anybody invest in a game that plays by these rules?
50% of the daily inflation going to 20 accounts in an ecosystem with 14k daily users?
The vast majority of rewards not getting distributed outside the top 100 accounts?
Obviously, the past 6+ years have proven that folks won't buy into a game designed like this, for the most part.
Hive bonds does a number on this issue.
They double the sources of inflation.
They make passive investing more lucrative than duking it out in the crab bucket.
But, the core devs are saying it will likely be the next fork before we get them.
In case you don't know, the next fork is likely to be closer to 2 years from now than it is 6 months from now.
Both too long, iyam.
This is a chance to strike while the iron is hot, before we get beat to the punch.
Stinc did this when they went on a two year walkabout while forcing us into linear rewards so their vote selling bidbot buddies could rake it in, and then dump it.
The reward pool reap went on until the community threatened to fork stinc out.
I don't think repeating their kneecappening of the ecosystem is good policy for the hive.
But, nobody will listen to me alone, I need you to sound off if you want bonds before the end of 2023.
We can continue to be the betamax to terra's vhs, but I think many hivizens will not be in support that.
We need these bonds to be in the upcoming fork, imo.
Let the devs know of your support for bonds now.
If you are a casual reader, perhaps you noticed that I have not been as active lately.
Real life has been throwing me off my game.
This is a trend likely to continue.
But, it comes with a better than even chance that I change the central focus of my posts to travel related content.
Time will tell.
Thank you for taking the time to reach the bottom of this post.
If you take the time to make a comment, I will find time to vote on it.
If you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places, perhaps it is time you pushed back on that, eh?
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets that make the world what it is today.
That is all, for now, you may resume your otherwise mundane day.
To contest the characterization of your day as mundane, make a post of your own explaining why your day is not mundane and ping me, eh?
I think the next hardfork will be around June. Also my days are anything but mundane so I guess I should tag spam you :))
Tag spam me harder, daddy.

Yes, so a year from june would be the earliest we will get the next fork.
It's more likely to be closer to 2 years, 18months minimum.
That seems like a long time to wait for what seems technically trivial to implement.
In crypto time, that is nearly forever.
This is not true anymore. I changed this yesterday. There is no limitation now.
Excellent, thank you.
I am not that much into HIVE blockchain stuffs such as lineer rewards, however I believe that the more HIVE token distributes among HIVE users, the more HIVE blockchain grows bigger.
I've been beating this drum for years.
When we raise the bottom we are more likely to get network effects.
If they want newcomes to be stay here, it should be considered.
It won't be much longer and they may just get that message pushed through to them.
Have you followed the downvotes of the xaccount trails?
I have seen xecency, but have no idea about it or them.
They are a facilitator of the crab bucket.
Part of the duty of being a hivizen is to claw back rewards from 'overrewarded' posts.
By following their downvote trials on hive.vote you can counter what they take from the pool.
Here is a post I made about it: https://peakd.com/thehive/@antisocialist/the-daily-meme-372.
You can follow them with a small fixed vote to register dissatisfaction.
Just add an x to the names in that list.
If those 20 accounts stopped voting, everybody else's votes double.
I didn't know that xaccounts were created for this purpose.