Pinté un cuadro de un atardecer con marco de corazón"Expectativa ✓ Realidad" 🌞🧡[Esp-Eng]
Whenever I appreciate a sunset I don't take my eyes off it and anyone like me who admires and appreciates how beautiful the sky looks when it's sunset will understand the enormous happiness I feel, capturing in photographs how the sky turns beautiful colors every time we appreciate a sunset it is undoubtedly satisfactory...Worthy to admire...😍🌞❤️
How about artisans and creative guys from @diyhub👋🏻😊, welcome to a new creative blog, as I told you at the beginning, today we are going to be recreating and painting a beautiful painting of a sunset, I have taken as an expectation a photograph of a sunset of photos from Pinterest to make this painting, I tell you that I am not an expert in painting but I did my best to show you the result, I wanted this painting to decorate a small wall in the place where I work so without thinking I dedicated myself to doing it, you I invite you to observe the process and the result of how it turned out.
- Trozo de cartón de 23 cm de ancho x 20 cm de largo
- Tijeras
- Pinturas en color rojo,negro, amarillo, blanco, azul oscuro
- Pinceles
- Cordón
- Trozo pequeño de cartón
- Silicón
- Hoja blanca de cuaderno
- Palillo
- Lápiz
- Piece of cardboard 23 cm wide x 20 cm long
- Scissors
- Paints in red, black, yellow, white, dark blue
- Brushes
- Lanyard
- Small piece of cardboard
- Silicone
- White notebook sheet
- Chopstick
- Pencil
1-To start the work, what we will do guys is take our sheet of notebook paper, fold it in half and with the pencil we will be half painting a heart, and then cut it out, this will basically be the heart that we will use as the frame of our painting we will do it this way since it will be much easier for us to get both parts of the sides of the heart perfect, the next thing we will do is with the pencil go over the edge of the pattern on our cardboard right in the middle of it.
2-As a second step we proceed to paint with black paint and with the thickest brush our outline of the frame, only the outside part, leaving the center unpainted.
3-We now mix a little blue paint with a small amount of black to obtain a grayish blue color for the sunset sky at the top, as you know, as the sun sets we always see it in the sky above. a dark tone that is already noticeable at dusk, we are then going to paint the bottom half of our frame with yellow, simulating the sun.
4-We are going to be finishing toning our sunset with white paint to make our yellow paint base lighter. With the brush we are going to be making small movements, we add red paint and continue giving life to the paint, the idea is to paint by touching and shading the sunset, once done I painted some birds with the toothpick in black like their shadow, and on the back of our painting we glued the cord and on top we will put our piece of cardboard to hold it, this is in case we decide hang the painting and it has something to hold on to and that's it, my painting is ready...
This is how my aesthetic painting of this beautiful sunset turned out ✨🧡I hope you liked this very nice idea for your home, I would be happy to know that you liked it and thank you for reaching the end of my blog, until the next opportunity guys..
Wow, it does look a real sunset. You did great. Well done. What will you be painting next?
Nice day @diyhub I'm glad you like this idea, thank you, I can think of many more ideas out of so many😉 🤭