The beauty of the sky in the early evening


The world is a big mystery and from the edge of this world we can see the sky. We all know that the sky is actually blue but at different times we see the diverse beauty of this sky. Sometimes it is in black form or in white form, sometimes in red form and sometimes in a combination of different colors. One by one we see a beautiful sky. In fact, we see these scenes in the sky a few times. Especially in the morning at the time of sunrise and sunset we enjoy different types of scenery or beauty of the sky. When I see these scenes I like it very much and I take pictures of different sky scenes with my own mobile and save the pictures in mobile to share with friends. Some of these beautiful pictures are presented below.










Yesterday evening I was sitting outside my house in our garden when suddenly I saw some sight in the sky. First I saw some colorful scenes in the sky to the south of my house and I took a few pictures. Then I saw another beautiful sight in the sky at the northeast end and I took a picture of that too on my mobile. Moreover, I saw a view in the north direction and another view in the northwest direction when the sun was setting and I liked all these views very much. So I take some pictures with my mobile in different shapes. I have never before observed such a sight in the sky. In fact, I never noticed that such a scene is often seen at sunset. The scenes I saw in the sky yesterday have a real beauty in them that I hope anyone who sees them will like.









All of us have more or less beautiful views of the sky and within these scenes there is much beauty hidden that I have seen with my own eyes. Even when there are thick clouds in the sky, we can see beautiful beautiful scenery. These scenes unfold in the form of images of various animals. Sometimes a bird-like scene is seen in the sky, and sometimes a human-like scene is seen in the sky. I hope all the friends of the hive community who are there have more or less enjoyed the beauty of the various scenes in the sky and if you look closely at the beauty, any object or creature can be seen in shape. I like this kind of scene very much. I hope you will like my pictures of these scenes.
