When A Restaurant's Serving Doesn't Fascinate Me


We pay a lot for food in restaurants for the taste experience as well as the beautiful visuals.
It feels like bad luck, when a plate of the menu you ordered, comes without a presentation that is not good in visual first.


Creativity is expensive, and we don't want to spend money on experiences that I can't satisfy. That also includes when we decide to dine in.

Especially nowadays when the meaning of the food business has grown rapidly mixing the enjoyment of taste and the beauty of the presentation, many restaurants dare to offer such high prices. But the question is whether the price is worth it for us to pay, or is it just their very clever marketing strategy?

So, I will invite you to see the food I ordered at a restaurant in my city. For the record, this is not about criticism. But I just want them to be better if they even read my writing.

Can't it be served better?


I understand maybe they think that the people around my city are only middle-class people who don't understand the meaning of food presentation. But if they always think so, I'm sure they won't make any progress even if they already bear a popular name in my city.

I visit this place quite often, and once I posted about THE CAFE HOUSE. I've never been unsatisfied before. But this time was different. I became a bit fussy when I saw the food I ordered arrived on my table.


It's served with a nice ceramic plate, but unfortunately, what's placed there seems to just be put there without feeling. So it looks messy to me.

I was annoyed with putting the sauce on the bottom of the grilled tuna. Oh, it looks messy. What do you think? Do you guys see the same thing from my point of view?


I think they can do better than this. Oh wait, also I feel uncomfortable with the material of the knife they use, only the thin-handled knife is frail. I wish they served forks with full stainless steel or other sturdy materials for cutting fish or meat. Also to enhance the luxury that has been displayed on the plates used.

Grilled Tuna For $5.5

Welcome to expensive restaurant but not really fancy about their presentation of the food.

Well, I paid $5.5 (IDR 78,000) for a plate of grilled tuna. Is this a decent price?


Hmmm, I'm not sure about this. But in terms of taste, it's a bit worth it, but not overall. The texture of the tuna wasn't that great as I found it a bit overcooked. But I still spent it all.

I had to give lot of extra hot sauce that I asked to the waiter. It helped the tuna taste to be more suitable on my tongue.


Unfortunately, in terms of the appearance of the food, it's not worth my $5.5 at all.

Next time, I will not order this menu, if I come back to this place. Maybe I'll choose a cheaper menu. At least I won't be disappointed with a cheaper price with a similar look to the expensive one.


At least this place serves good taste, although they still fail to present their best food presentation. I hope they can be better in serving their food to customers, next time I come to this place.

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

All pictures were taken using iPhone 11.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

0.028 PAL


I admit it's a bit messy. But I think the reason it's so messy for you is because you make such beautiful presentations. You put a lot of emphasis on that. But do people care too much about it?

And you're right that presentation drives up the price. A lot of restaurants can be expensive because they have very nice presentations, even if the food is not very tasty.

0.000 PAL

Ahaha yeah Im complaining because I have to pay $5.5 that's okay if I just pay a half 😂

0.000 PAL

That makes sense. Give my money back that paid to you for presentation 😂😂

0.000 PAL

Your platings are one hundred percent better and 200 times more visually pleasing! @anggreklestari

0.000 PAL

Whooaaaa your words Made my day! 😍😘😘😘

0.000 PAL

Happy I made you feel good about what you are passionate about! 💗💗💗

Hope you have a terrific day, Lovely! 💫

0.000 PAL

how are you dear friend @anggreklestari good afternoon
It is very true what you say, the food first enters through the view, a well presented dish, invites you to sit at the table
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon

0.000 PAL

Yeah even I finished the dish, I was not really satisfied

0.000 PAL

Kelihatannya sangat lezat ya kak anggrek, apalagi dengan teknik fotografi mumpuni seperti yang kakak tunjukkan

Halo kak, postinganmu telah dikurasi secara manual oleh tim Indonesianhiver sebagai postingan kelompok temuan kurator. Saat ini kami sedang membangun proyek kurasi lintas komunitas utk membantu berkembangnya blogger Indonesia.
Kami harap kakak mau bergabung agar nilai kurasi untuk kakak dan blogger indonesia lainnya semakin besar :)
Terima Kasih dan tetap semangat blogging :)

Yuk gabung di komunitas kami:
Discord : https://discord.gg/HKvcnYmf

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0.000 PAL

Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu memberitahu projects kalian. Akan saya cek segera.

0.000 PAL

Actually your words are logical but there are still some restaurants where food quality is very good. True there are some dishonest restaurant establishments. Totally your post is great. I am glad to read it

0.000 PAL

Not all expensive are worth the price sis, many overpriced, really

0.000 PAL

you should have asked the waiter what's going on, at that price it's natural if customers set some expectation not solely on the taste.

0.000 PAL

You are right friend @anggreklestari a dish with a beautiful presentation is the first impression that captures our eyes, sometimes a recipe can be tasty, but if it is served in a messy way we will feel dissatisfaction and we will have the feeling of not enjoying its flavor.
I wish you happy dreams, a big hug!

0.000 PAL

Minumannya belum kefoto 🤭
Btw dagingnya tebel bgt👍🏻😃

0.000 PAL