Hive Fine Dining #1 Asparagus French Fries


Think differently, cook differently.
Often we only have simple ingredients, then try to cook something new.


Hive Fine Dining? Sounds weird to you? This is a new cooking series to document my food creations. I know this looks weird, but I'm learning. I hope my food creations can bring new vibes to you.


This time I will create vegetables and french fries. The dish with the initials “H” actually happened by accident. I want to arrange the french fries in a different shape than usual. It turns out that in the end, the french fries look in the shape of the letter “H”. So, I used this dish to open my new cooking series.

Stir-fried Asparagus and Carrot


Before I share about making french fries that save time, I'll start by making stir-fried asparagus with carrots.

In this recipe, I used 3 sweet soy sauces, 2 tablespoons chopped garlic, and 2 tablespoons chopped red onion. Usually, I just make stir-fried without soy sauce. But this time is different. This will give different highlights.

At first, I was confused about what menu to make with only a little asparagus left in my kitchen. I have to add another element to complement the asparagus so it can be filling. So, the choice is carrots.

Thin Sliced Carrots.

I sliced thinly carrots to mix with asparagus later. You can also cut carrots lengthwise like asparagus. It is adjusted to the type of presentation that you will use.

Cut And Clean Asparagus.

For the asparagus, I cut them in half. Then remove their skin using a potato peeler.

Anyway, for this time, I'm not going to blanch the asparagus like before. I'm going to cook straight away with the garlic and soy sauce, but wait until the carrots are half-cooked before adding the asparagus, so they can cook together.

Stir-fry. Carrot.

First, we need to fry chopped onions and red onions until they smell good. Then add slices of carrots, then followed by soy sauce.

8E20E850-615D-4249-BACF-7EFBFBBF4A56.jpegKeep stirring. Add salt, pepper, and a little water to make sure they don't burn. Cook until they become half-cooked.

Add Asparagus.

Once the carrots are half cooked, add the asparagus. Cook them well until they have a nice texture according to your taste.

When Life Gives You Potatoes

It's not about the french fries we buy at fast food restaurants. Chances are it will drain your wallet quickly. I will take you to make homemade french fries which will make your cooking way easier the next day. Also, this way is can make you save money than buying French fries from a fast food restaurant.


When life gives us potatoes, we can slice them lengthwise, then store them in the fridge soaked in water. Then we can fry them whenever we want. Also, it saves time.

To be honest, I did that not long ago. Also, it requires consistency to do that. Even though it sounds trivial, it really helped my time in my life as a chef for my small family.


Fried potatoes can be used as a snack while relaxing with family, or as an alternative to complementary dining besides rice. There were times I also felt really rushed to work, but my husband felt like eating snacks, the not main course. So, I fried potatoes that were ready to be cooked, soaked in water, and stored in the fridge beforehand.

So when I have some free time, I peel and dice the potatoes. Then I store them in the fridge by immersing them in water. They will still have a crunchy texture and stay fresh.

When we want to fry the potatoes, then drain the potato pieces. Then, fry them until they are browned.


note I fry the potatoes when the other dish components are ready to be served. This is done so that the texture of the french fries remains good and does not become soggy when served.

Then, I arranged the fries to form three layers. Each layer consists of 4 sides.

The final stage of serving is adding hot sauce. You can use your other favorite sauce for this dish. I like the chili sauce the most because the color brings a nice contrast, also the taste is perfect for the french fries.


Additional roasted sesame seeds for additional serving. You can also add edible flowers if you have them.

They form a nice shape. It looks like they work well together. Like a team that managed to become something new. A nice one. Agree with me?


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

3.698 PAL


Wow! The last time I saw you designing on a plate was the moment you were on the beach. I missed this so much, dear friend. As always you are so creative and brainy. How I wish I am as artistic as you. I really enjoyed your plating and it is so enticing, too. More delicious food to prepare.

0.000 PAL

You are creative in your own way for sure ❤️ have a great weekend, beautiful 🌸🌸🌸

0.000 PAL

You are always creative. Although I'm not a fan of asparagus, this looks enticing.... Do you like baking too?

0.000 PAL

Asparagus is superfood but tricky to cook. You can not give many gravy to make sure asparagus is not weird in your tongue. For me, the best cooking way for asparagus is stir-fry.

In some China restaurant, I enjoy asparagus soup mixed with crab meat😋

0.000 PAL

It's easy to fry though.. But really can't stand eating more.. I eat a few hehe

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That took a huge level of creativity to make simple ingredient looks expensive and so appetizing.
Do I need to wear a tuxedo to eat at your place mbak? !LOLZ

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Ahaha, I just making all things in my kitchen became different 😀

0.000 PAL

I haven't been following your posts lately, but as always, you have made a delicious dish. The presentation also looks like a very nice # sign.

0.000 PAL

I rarely post for now, but I'm sure when I'm post, I Will make sure everything is good to look at 🙂

0.000 PAL

Hello dear friend @anggreklestari good day
I love the presentation of your dishes, you are very creative
I appreciate you sharing this recipe
enjoy the weekend

0.000 PAL

Hello jlufer
Thanks for stopping by and happy weekend 🙂

0.000 PAL

This is really appealing and looks captivating, indeed your love for the food and plating is amazing. :)

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❤️ Making new thing in the kitchen are really excited 🌸

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A different and very simple way to eat healthy. Greetings

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Indeed healthy food is simple even though sometimes the ingredients are not cheap price in some area

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This is really a weird recipe and bring iki see its thanks for the recipe someday I will try 🥰

0.000 PAL

Looks weird indeed ehehe but my family love it

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Yes, that's the big brother all based on experience, so it's good to be successful always brother

0.000 PAL

How can I make asparagus more palatable, and I found the answer here!

0.000 PAL

How always a pleasure to appreciate your beautiful culinary art. my admiration for you Congratulations, successes and a thousand blessings @anggreklestari 🌸

0.000 PAL

Someday if we will have a refrigerator, might be I will copy your style in preparing tomatoes. Thanks for this idea.

You always have different ways of preparing food for your family @anggreklestari. They are simple yet healthy choices and delicious too.

I love asparagus too.

0.000 PAL

The presentation of this dish is beautiful, worthy of a magazine cover. I congratulate you, it is a neat job and it shows the dedication to generate an excellent result. 💚

0.000 PAL

Oh, I'm happy to hear that from you. ❤️

0.000 PAL

What a beautiful dish! And tasty!!! I'm crazy about asparagus, and I think they look just perfectly cooked here. Thanks for adding this touch of delicacy to this morning of mine. Cheers, @anggreklestari 💚🌿

0.000 PAL

Oh, soo wonderfull style of your cooking and cooking as well as decurated the dish is very beautiful 😍

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Thank you so much for enjoying my food blog 😊

0.000 PAL

Oh, asparagus is my sweet vegetable.
I like to use it in any form.
I especially like pickled asparagus, have you tried it?

Thank you for the excellent photos and your new recipe.
Everything looks very appetizing!

0.000 PAL

Oh I never try asparagus pickles. My fav just stir fried. But I would make it in the future for sure 😊

0.000 PAL

Beautifully plated and what a healthy recipe!
I've never tried asparagus before because we don't know how to prepare those yet, so thanks for the idea! 😊

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