A Cup Of Coffee And A Wealth Of Ideas

Perhaps, the idea was born from our enjoyment of the comfort drink. It could be a cup of coffee so warm it fills your head.


Some people like tea, there are those who like coffee, and also beer. Whatever drink makes us comfortable, it will stimulate our brain to generate lots of ideas.

Recently, I have a new project that makes me more excited than the previous project. FYI, my old project was about making a fiction book, but since interest in reading has decreased with digitalization, I have been looking for something else that can make me more enthusiastic and can provide inspiration for many people.

I feel that whatever my work is, it should be able to provide inspiration to the people who see it. If not, then I will only be doing things in vain, and that's what I've believed all along.

So, my new project now is about my garden. To make my garden activities inspire many people, I also have to work hard on my garden. Well, besides on Hive, I also started sharing on my YouTube account so that the works in my garden can reach more people.

I stopped my YouTube account in 2023, then I want to focus again now. So, while sipping my warm coffee, I was looking for new ideas for my garden.


At around 7 pm after dinner, I went with my husband to a cafe we frequent in the city center. This cafe is famous for its cheap but delicious prices, because the coffee ranges from $1 to $1.5. so does the same for the food.

As the night goes on, this cafe gets more crowded but that's no problem. There is a private room if I really need it. But I chose a normal room because in a cafe, it's noisy which actually drives away sleepiness. I like watching the movements of the people inside. It sounds strange, but actually, we don't know where ideas come from and sometimes they spark and appear after we see random people. Ehehehe.


Well, I always like the coffee they serve. This is too bitter. But I'm actually used to bitter coffee. There's no problem with that. Do you like bitter coffee?

I opened my laptop and started working on the list of work that I had to complete. Many new ideas emerged, and I immediately recorded these ideas in notes on my laptop.

Not only accompanied by coffee, but I also ordered a portion of nuggets for work tonight. A perfect combo :)

While sipping my coffee, I remembered what a friend of mine said. She wonders why I still continue to work hard and am not like other women who rely on money from their husbands. I smile. As a woman, I actually want to have something that can inspire many people. I felt like I would only be a burden to others if I couldn't stand on my feet.

Other than that, I just love my job. Writing, cooking, and now, gardening. Guess what, it turns out, I actually got my favorite things from my late mom.

My neighbors say I look a lot like my late mother. Her hobbies are writing, cooking, gardening, and making his house have many artistic ornaments. I just smiled. After all, this is life. We should do what we love and that is luck. We will actually lose our blessings if we forget what is in our blood.

In this closing blog section, I think I have a cat scent in my blood which makes cats always come closer to me. Like tonight, this cute cat won't leave my feet. :P


Well, in every person, there is a special gift and work for it. Paving the way for the dreams we started all along. :)


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

1.381 PAL


Hey Anggrek!
I agree that we have to be flexible and adaptable. Taking the time to analyse what makes sense and what needs to change is important.
Great reasoning:)
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg

0.000 PAL

How wonderful!! I completely get you, sometimes my inspiration overflows when I am having some coffee😊☕️
And also to do things that can inspire others, I guess once you find these things it's one of the most beautiful ways to spend time. Meanwhile I find everything we love doing usually has what it takes to inspire others.🌸
Sending you lots of love and inspiration back🌞

0.000 PAL

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

0.000 PAL

I totally get that. We all need some kind of purpose in our life that goes beyond just surviving. Something that connects us to other people, so we can learn and share what we’ve learned.
Very inspiring post, I’m so happy for you that you created your life around the things you love doing ❤️

0.000 PAL

A good place to sit and have a cup of coffee while thinking and planning ideas and more. Good luck on your plan or project, hope you come up with something amazing ✨💪

0.000 PAL

How good this coffee looks and the best photo is the cat. All the best to you in these projects! I am just barely dabbling in YouTube. Glad you enjoy that happy afternoon 😊☕💓.

0.000 PAL

Coffee, cats, and creativity. Three certain ingredients to a valuable life. I like bitter coffee too but with very fatty cream. I like sometimes to work too in a crowded café. Love post @anggreklestari

0.000 PAL

That coffee looks delicious. I love when they draw pictures. I recently saw a video of a coffee shop in China where they make 3D drawings on the coffees.

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For me, that is very nice to have cheap coffee and snacks Ma'am. People will still love to drink and eat some delicious snacks.

0.000 PAL

Nothing beats a good cup of coffee to get the ideas flowing! I always find inspiration in my morning brew. Thanks for sharing this creative moment!

0.000 PAL

We're looking forward to seeing your new ideas being applied to your garden 😉

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I love this kind of coffee decoration. It's art, isn't it? I've seen on the internet that it's easy to do, but I've never tried it. Bon appetit, chef!

0.000 PAL

It looks like a lovely treat and good company for working.

I sometimes write down ideas that appear. Sometimes I write too fast and can't read it well later 😄 ... and sometimes it is such a good idea, that I think I won't forget it... and then I do ! It's good that you captured everything while the thoughts were dancing in your head.

The cat has such the sweet look on it's face and is obviously enjoying the touch of your hand. I am allergic to cats, which somehow entices them to always come to me, even the shy ones.

0.000 PAL

Amiga déjame decirte que soy unas de esas mujeres a las que has inspirado, te abrazo en la distancia y agradezco por compartir contenido tan provechoso.

Te apoyo cuando dices que todos tenemos un don y es que creo que no existe alguien que no sea bueno en algo. Creo que cada ser tiene algo especial para aportar a esta humanidad. Saludos!

0.000 PAL

Coffee always makes me more creative. I really like going to coffee shops to get new ideas and write them down.

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After drinking coffee, they come up with more good ideas about how we can make our lives better and better.

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The coffee looks tempting and please upvote and support

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Besides being exquisite, coffee is very stimulating. With a cup of coffee in your hands you can develop incredible ideas.

Enjoy your cup of coffee dear friend @anggreklestari

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