2 Green Juices For Beginners
Are green vegetables really monsters for your life? Maybe because they are not used to eating green vegetables. And when those people are required to eat green vegetables later in life, it may be even more difficult to get started.
For people who don't like green vegetables, something green food and drink that looks like it's made from grass tastes absolutely terrible. Well, it takes courage to try eating green vegetables. Once you try it, you will get used to it and love it.
But before liking green vegetables, we must have very important goals to achieve. That makes us willing to try green vegetables that look annoying compared to other sweet foods or drinks.
Green Juices For Beginners

Eating green vegetables directly will be more difficult than drinking vegetable juice. That's why there are so many variations of green juices to support a healthy lifestyle.
However, green juices without sugar are a big challenge, especially for beginners. I am also a beginner when it comes to enjoying juices. For me, it's easier to eat cooked vegetables. Because I need nutrition from green vegetables and fruits that are in raw condition, that's why I started looking at green juices again.
I am in a program to lose weight. I gained weight after getting married and pregnant at that time (unfortunately, my pregnancy only lasted 10 weeks at that time). So, in the process of my diet, green vegetables and fruit are important to help my program.
No sugar

My goal is also to go on a diet to avoid diabetes that many of my family suffer from. That's why I want to make green juices without sugar. In my opinion, fruit or vegetable juice will actually get worse nutritional content if it is mixed with sugar. Why not just eat whole vegetables and fruits instead to be combined with sugar?
So, as a beginner, I have done lots of experiments with green juices that are good to drink as a food complement for my weight loss program. At first, I looked for a variety of juices for weight loss. Then, I sort which ingredients are the easiest for me to find and the taste I can at least accept.
I decided to mix green veggies with fruit. Mixing some of these ingredients will make the taste of the green juices not too strong. It will also really help to create a good taste even without sugar.
In this post, I have two top green juices that are suitable for beginners. I hope this can give you some inspiration, especially for those of you who want to start taking advantage of raw veggies and fruits nutrition!
1. Celery Apple Juice

One type of vegetable that always makes me curious is big celery. I can't find that big type of celery every day in the general market. I have to look for that type of celery in a supermarket in another city. So, as soon as I can get this celery, I immediately make juice for my target.

Celery is great for weight control, with a rich source of antioxidants. That's why celery is also believed to be able to improve digestive health and increase body immunity.

Celery which has a large stem has a strong aroma. As a beginner, I thought of a way so that the celery juice wouldn't taste bad later on! The first thing I thought of was a fruit mix to add sweetness and reduce the strong aroma of celery.
Apples are the right choice. I also did a search on the internet for the right fruit to pair with celery juice. There are many recommendations for apples. Be it red apple or green apple. That way I can be sure that what I'm about to do has also been done by other people.
Besides apples, I also use lemon and ginger. Lemon will enrich the taste with its freshness and aroma. Meanwhile, ginger will create a candy-like sensation that is slightly spicy but fresh, similar to the sensation of mint leaves.

Next, this is a hero for juice this time. Coconut water. For beginners, I highly recommend you use coconut water. This will make the green juices even more delicious.
For the measurement of the ingredients, I use 1/4 cup of chopped celery; the size of a finger of ginger; one apple; half a lemon; and 250 ml of coconut water.

Blend all ingredients. If your blender isn't able to puree all the ingredients at once, you can add coconut water. Or, you can reduce the ingredients to be blended. Do it little by little.
Here, I don't use a juicer. So, I have to filter the pulp manually. It does not matter. This filtering method is especially useful for beginners.

I'm pretty sure you guys will puke if you don't filter the pulp. So, if you are used to the taste of these vegetables, then you can not filter the pulp. Make sure you are comfortable with the green vegetables that are used as the juice. Ala can because accustomed to consuming it.

I love the taste of celery juice. The ginger flavor is quite dominant like a refreshing candy. Coconut water and also apples really help the taste of the celery itself is not dominant. Do you dare to try this juice?
2. Pakchoy and Pineapple Juice
Another type of vegetable that I recommend for green juices for beginners is pakchoy. But you can also use mustard greens. In this juice recipe, I deliberately used pakchoy but it's hydroponic so the taste of the vegetables isn't very strong.

Of course, that's because hydroponic pakchoy has a smaller texture of stems and leaves compared to the types grown by common methods in soil.

For fruit, I chose sweet pineapple. The smell of pineapple will make the strong taste of the green veggies lose. Apart from that, of course, the benefits of pineapple for the weight loss program are unquestionable.
Ppppst, pineapple also contributes to creating a fragrant body odor, especially in the female area.

I only used 1/4 of the pineapple. The more you want to reduce the green color of this juice, then you can add more pineapple.

As a complement, ginger, and lemon cannot be missed, as in the previous celery juice recipe.

Blend all the ingredients, and strain them as in the previous celery juice. For this juice, sometimes I don't filter the pulp and I can finish this juice. That's because I'm used to the taste of pakchoy.

Those were my two favorite green juices that I recommend for beginners. I regularly consume these green juices before eating. Well, I have normal blood pressure and normal stomach acid. For those of you who don't have normal conditions, I hope you can consult a nutritionist or doctor first.
Since I often consume these green juices, I can already hold back the craving for sweet drinks. Every time I go out in the morning, I also make green juice and take it with me.

I often replace green vegetables in these green juice recipes. But most importantly, I often add ginger if the greens I use have a strong aroma and taste.
I hope you guys aren't scared to see green juice. Try to make it yourself, and not buy it at the market because it will be difficult to equate your perception and taste buds with market tastes. Keep healthy!
Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( edwing357 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.
This is such a lovely post, dearest @anggreklestari Anggrek! I love your writing and sweet playfulness with juices!!
Yes, carrots are also a wonderful combination vegetable to use with more bitter veggies like dark green leaves. Mmmmmmm, and I adore ginger in any drink - it is hard to get hold of here in rural south Italy, but my tiny local store has had it recently!
I'm interested to juice some wild leaves and herbs too, which have just been picked: like nettle, plantago, chard-like leaves... SOOO much nutrient and vitality in such things, eh! I am a bit lazy because my Norwalk machine is so complex to use, and to clean, hehe! But I will get it up and running again soon. A blender might make a great compromise, to make smoothy type drinks too, and would be quicker to clean.
Thank you for your inspiration and entertainment dear friend, and I wish you the utmost love for your womb-centred healing (I podcast about women's health and vitality often!)
Blender is great choice especially when you wont filter the pulp
Thanks for reading and I hope we have healthy life for better and better ❤️
I am a beginner and didnt know where to start with green juices! Thanks, will bookmark and try and make them :)
Glad you have an intention to try then in the future 😊
Have a good day!
Although it is funny you write green is not the enemy, sadly many people think it is! In fact green is probably one of our best friends! We love our green juices. I like juicing just green veggies and herbs but my family like a little green with some carrot and apple. It's a wonderful way to start the day
We love green juices, though we never filter our smoothies or use a juicer to keep the fibers into our drinks. Have a beautiful day and good luck with your weight loss journey!
Some of ingredients, I did not filter them. For celery, that was my first time, so I filter to make taste comfortable with my taste ehehe.
Thank you 😊
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U r so creative! These are the unique juices i've ever seen. And they're so simple and easy to make. Thanks for the recipes! 😊🙏🏻
For sure. Simple to make it. Maybe for the first, you will not like the taste ehehe
I am a fan of green juices, I have tried them with pineapple, celery, ginger, cucumber and lemon, obviously without sugar. I have taken it on an empty stomach to lose weight, of course, we must eat healthy and exercise.
Excellent recipes, I really need to drink refreshing juices now that summer is here and these juices are not very tasty when you buy them from the supermarket. I will try to make my own.
Whoa, summer! In Turkey many variation of fruits. Yesterday I Saw vlogger go to Turkey and enjoy colorful fruits!
Which blogger? Can you send me a link 😄
Upps, I mean on another platform. I Saw on YouTube 😂
Haha okay 😂
Pakchoy and pineapple juice might taste interesting. I think the pineapple juice really helps but I am not sure about the taste of pakchoy. But yeah, I prefer to eat them with soup.
Pakchoy taste really similar with mustard greens but in less taste. 😊
I'm sure the drink must be very tasty.
For sure. Coffee cendol / jelly is must be tasty 🙂
Ya kak. Nanti kalau ke medan bisa kami rasakan minuman yang kakak buat kan.😀😁
Do you ever put wheat grass in your juices. I recently became a fan of wheat grass juice. I think it increases my energy level quite a lot! I make it in a blender, but maybe I will try making other juices in a blender too. Why not? I might lose a little in liquid I suppose, but it will still be a very healthy drink. I love parsley in juices too, very green!
I would to love wheat grass. But unfortunately, I can't find wheat grass here. Hmm, I Saw wheat grass is easy to plant and I found wheat grass seed to grow. Maybe I can planting them first ehehe
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Great juice recipes. I especially liked it with pineapple :-)
Have you tried celery with carrots and cucumber, the taste is simply indescribable.
You can also add dill there quite a bit,
Celery carrot Apple, my fav.
For cucumber, I mixed it with pear (but not my typical taste 😂)
excellent juices bring us many benefits and are very refreshing🌷🌷🌷❤️❤️