Have to try at least


It's not a matter of not being afraid, it's a matter of trying even with fear, because we don't lose when we fail or fail, we lose when we stop for fear of trying and fighting for what we so long for.


Every reality lived one day was dreamed of...

To win the chess game you need to know your opponent, each strength, each weakness, you have to think each step forward and you have to know exactly where you want to see your opponent in the end. It's not easy, but it's not difficult either.

It is necessary to remember a very important detail... the pawn is the weakest piece in the chess game, it is easy to underestimate it because it has an advantage over all the other pieces...

... and do you know what it is?

If the pawn manages to reach the other side of the chess without being stopped, it becomes a queen, thus being the strongest piece in the game....but just one wrong move and the whole plan ends.

The only person who can take you out of the game is yourself, so you have to at least try... our life is made up of trials, errors and successes.

0.037 PAL


Not good come easy. One must be able to face his fears in order to come out better. We must make a try or attempt and never concede easily to challenges

0.000 PAL

we lose when we stop for fear of trying and fighting for what we so long for.

Our greatest e enemy of progress in life is ourselves, especially that moment when will give up on life and dream.

Irrespective of how hard things might be at times, trying and pushing is not a bad idea,to me it is the best way to know how strong we are too.

0.000 PAL

Let me just say this,that you have no reason to give up on anything in life and that is why you just have to keep on putting all your best in everything you do.

You can only achieved the best when you don't say No at all no matter the challenges

0.000 PAL