A better me begins with baby steps
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Most times we do underestimate the value of taking that baby steps, even when we feel we aren't seeing progress yet.
But lately, I observed something, when I was going to bed after using my bathroom, I started to hear the sound of drops of water from the tap in slow succession, but since it was dropping into an empty bucket, I decided to let it be.
But, guess what I realized? When I woke up the next morning, around 4 am, the bucket was almost full!
I was surprised that just drops even in such slow successions could produce that much. I couldn't help it, 'Just drops?!' So I questioned rhetorically.
But the following night, I made sure that the tap in my bathroom was locked completely and I checked the bucket and saw that it was empty, though wet. Then I went to sleep.
I guess you already know what I saw the next morning. The bucket was not wet as I had left it, but it was now dry!
Then I realized the importance of a drop and how much difference it can make in all ramifications of one's life compared to a dry tap.
Imagine letting the drops be for a year, I would be scooping with drums savings end of the year!
So, how about that drop in savings?
How about that drop of kindness and love every day?
What steps have you taken to show you are kind?
How about a drop in reading useful books today and every day?
Do you know that you are 70% of the books you read?
How about that drop of a verse of the scripture today and every day?
How about that drop of prayer today and every day?
How about a drop in working towards your goals today and every day?
How about a drop in giving to the needy?
How about a drop of forgiveness?
How about a drop letting go of your past and living in the moment?
We Shouldn't underestimate the value of taking that baby steps, even when we feel we aren't seeing progress yet.
Just move, keep moving.
The goal is not how far, but how well.
What virtue and discipline will you start today in little drops?
This is to motivate you to be better than you were yesterday by taking baby steps.
Never neglect the importance of a drop, for when the harvest time comes, you would have made a big difference.
Thank you for your time, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.
Little drops they say make an ocean.
We are products of the little things and baby steps we made yesterday. The first thing is to start now and with whatever is at hand. Time flies. Growth is certain.
Thank you for putting this out here.
The secret of your future is hiding in your daily routine
When I saw you're 70% of what you read, then I remember I read manga most of the time. Though I have other books I read and novel. Like they said
That's like the case of the water drop..
Yea sure, a journey of thousand miles always begins with a step. Being better every day is a gradual process. Thanks for stopping by.
You're welcome
-The goal is not how far, but how well.
Let's take a baby steps now,and so let's pay attention to every minute of our life and learn how to make it special
Great post dear @amiegeoffrey
Thank you so much ma'am, it is highly appreciated.
You're welcome