By this time last year i was running around to complete the necessary things needed for my friend's wedding. Everything was ready remaining little touches here and there.

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I met her during my country's one year compulsory service in Ibadan and we were posted in the remotest part of the state Igbeti. It was the longest one year of my life but I was glad that from it i made so many amazing friends and one of them happened to be Adaeze.

One thing I learnt from Adaeze was her selfless service to humanity. She was always available for all voluntary works both paid and unpaid. The village we were posted was nothing to write home about as they lack teachers and infrastructures to the extent that I almost want to redeploy to another state but Adaeze discouraged me and persuaded me to stay afterall it was just for a year.

She was always happy to engage in so many projects that would benefit the community and she gladly carried me along. Shortly after our one year service, she travelled to Rwanda on a voluntary mission with an NGO called Helping helps to update the teachers in Rwanda rural communities in science subjects.

Just last year, she received a scholarship for her PHD degree in Canada and got engaged. The wedding was to happen in december and she needed a wedding planner desperately. They couldn't afford one and that was where I decided to step in.

She has given so much to humanity and now it's time for humanity to give back to her

I started doing my researches on how to pull out the best wedding for my friend. Since she is in Canada and I am in Nigeria we mostly talk through whatapp app. We chose the wedding colours and the bridesmaids. We picked an event place and I went on to book for it. The wedding dress took us time to decide on but we ended contanting a fashion designer to made a very lovely and simple wedding dress for her. The bridesmaids were ten in number and I made sure their dresses got to them on time for accurate fitting.

Thankfully her husband was in Nigeria although he couldn't do much because of his tight work schedule, he assisted me the little he can. He handled the groom men's clothes and I only picked them up from his office to dispatch.

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The catering company we chose also handle the cake and the drinks. I was so busy and stressed that some of my friends thought that I was being paid for my service.

I spent long hours in lagos traffic and most times when the traffic became unbearable, i would alight from the cab and end up trekking for two hours to beat the insane traffic.

That time was one of the times that defined me and I was so proud of how I was able to not think of me but another. Adaeze came back to the country a week to her wedding and I took her to the show room to try her wedding dress. She also went to see the event place and she was so happy and impressed with everything.

The wedding was a success and I was so sure that I was the most happiest person that day.

She went back to Canada three weeks after her wedding to continue her studies. Her friends over there kept calling me to thank me for helping Adaeze to make her wedding a success. According to them they were worried on how she can pull out a wedding while they were preparing for their examinations.

I felt complete and happy.

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I decided to share this story because just few days ago, I received a package from a dispatch raider. Adaeze decided to surprise me with a Samsung galaxy phone.

It's not a payback for my services or help but just a friend appreciating her friend.

I am very happy to have learnt this selfless service from Adaeze. Most especially I am grateful for this FRIENDSHIP

Thanks for reading through
