Me divierto con papá [ESP-ENG]
Reciente le compré a Amanda plastilinas de colores pasteles. Miguel, mi esposo además de ser deportista profesional, también se graduó de docente y le tocó poner en práctica habilidades manuales con la niña, realizar figuras de plastilina, lo cual para mí es complejo.
Sharing with a child is important to strengthen bonds of affection and to know the likes, interests, learning, doubts, difficulties and fears that a loved one such as a child is going through. Sometimes, parents, tired by the type of work, lose quality time about the progress of their children, but there is always a time, if you really want to strengthen the connection. Wednesday, December 8 is a day of joy in Argentina and few people work; in this case it was my turn to work, so my husband stayed with Amanda and I was surprised because my husband put into practice as a father a technique that I did not know about him.
I recently bought Amanda some pastel-colored play dough. Miguel, my husband, besides being a professional athlete, also graduated as a teacher and had to practice manual skills with the girl, making plasticine figures, which for me is complex.
Miguel me dice que pudo conversar con la niña mientras hacia la actividad e indagar más sobre el jardín educativo que asiste; asimismo, iba orientando y animando a la niña a hacer figuras libremente. Miguel sabe que este ejercicio le sirve Amanda para desarrollar el área de motricidad fina (manos y dedos), fomentar la creatividad, atención e imaginación; cómo también resolver problemas cuando modela e igualmente trabajar noción de tamaño y forma. Al mismo tiempo la oportunidad de desarrollar vocabulario y conocimientos durante la ejecución.
Lo interesante de este espacio fue que reforzó el vínculo padre e hija y además yo desconocía el lado creativo de mi esposo, él se concentró, utilizando herramientas como plastilina, fideo y un marcador punta fina. Hizo memoria sobre cuando veía la asignatura formativa Artes Plásticas, la cual le dió las técnicas para modelar un perro, un pez y ave que no es prolijo pero sirvió para complacer al amor de su vida Amanda.
Miguel tells me that he was able to talk with the girl while she was doing the activity and to find out more about the kindergarten she attends; he also guided and encouraging the girl to make figures freely. Miguel knows that this exercise helps Amanda to develop her fine motor skills (hands and fingers), encourage creativity and imagination, as well as to solve problems when modeling and also to work on the notion of size and shape. At the same time the opportunity to develop vocabulary and knowledge during the performance.
The interesting thing about this space was that it reinforced the father-daughter bond and besides, I was unaware of my husband's creative side, he concentrated, using tools such as plasticine, noodles and a fine tip marker. He reminisced about watching the formative course Visual Arts, which gave him the techniques to model a dog, a fish and a bird that is not neat but served to please the love of his life Amanda.
Ambos, padre e hija pasaron un día juntos que minimizó el poco tiempo que comparten. Los dos se divirtieron y les aseguro que mi esposo dejo salir nuevamente ese niño para disfrutar con su hija; por otro lado, Amanda feliz debido a las figuras que su padre le hizo, en esta oportunidad las quiere conservar, no quiere destruir como lo suele hacer, ahora son muñecos para jugar.
Aunque Amanda entiende las razones del porqué papá está cansado y él juega poco con ella en la noche, sé que le afecta, pero ya sabe que cuando papá está libre pueden hacer divertidas actividades juntos.
Both father and daughter spent a day together that minimized the little time they share. They both had fun and I assure you that my husband let out again that child to enjoy with his daughter; on the other hand, Amanda happy because of the figures that her father made for her, this time she wants to keep them, she does not want to destroy them as she usually does, now they are dolls to play with.
Although Amanda understands the reasons why daddy is tired and he plays a little with her at night, I know it affects her, but she already knows that when daddy is free they can do fun activities together.
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