Walking The Perilous Path To Diamond I With Cthulhu | Battle Mage Secrets X Splinterlands


Hello, splinter fans. I hope you all are doing well today.



Today, I will share a battle that has both a unique monster on deck and a true battle of tanks and high strategy in the diamond league.

Without further ado, let's begin!


Battle Conditions

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The mana cap is 55 which is extremely high and any deck could be fully utilized to make the perfect offensive and defensive monster lineup. The summoner available were: Nature, Death, and Dragon. From these choices, I had to use the death summoner as I had a monster that I recently rented and I was desperate to try it out. My opposition used a nature summoner.

Battle Rules:-

  • Ferocity: All monsters have the fury ability.
  • Weak Magic: Magic attacks hit armour before hitting HP.
  • Noxious Fumes: All monsters start the battle poisoned.

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Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Summoner: Thaddius Brood(Ability: Decrease in HP and Magic damage by 1 for all enemy monsters)(Level 5)

Tank: Harklaw(Ability: Immunity, Demoralize, Shield).

Ranged Attacker: Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr), Zyriel(Ability: Weapon Training, Life Leech, Divine Shield).

Magic Atackers: Cthulhu(Ability: Cripple, Flying).

Non-Attackers: Riftwing(Ability: FLying, Scavenger, Backfire), Will-O-Wisp(Ability: Flying, Weaken).

My strategy was to have the highest damage and retain the highest HP. That's why, I used Harklaw, it had the immunity to negate one of the battle rules, it has demoralize that would reduce everyone's melee attack by half, and shield to reduce further incoming damage. Behind it, I kept Marksrat and on death, it would give an overall stats boost to Harklaw and Cthulhu. I kept the non-attackers on each side of Zyriel as Zyriel has the weapons training ability. Riftwing is perfect to sucker in the HP on the death of any monster, that way, when it would take the tank's position, it would have a high enough HP to survive for at least 2 rounds. Will-o-wisp is a good candidate to be kept in the end as it has the flying ability. That way, it would have a higher chance to dodge any incoming melee attacks and reduce the overall HP of all the enemy monsters by 1.

My overall damage per round is 16 and a potential increase in HP of 2. On any monster's death, the overall HP would increase by 1. On Marksrat's death, my overall damage would increase by 1.


Now, for the opposition's turn.

Summoner: Lobb Lowland(Ability: Decrease in speed by 1 for all enemy monsters).

Tank: Ulundin Overseer(Ability: Flank).

Melee Attacker: Arkemis The Bear(Ability: Protect, Halving).

Ranged Attacker: Fungus Flinger(Ability: Martyr), Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr), Sewll Spore Beast(Ability: True Strike).

Dual Attacker: Quora Towershead(Ability: Bloodlust, Heal).

His strategy was equally amazing. He used Overseer to such in all the potential damage it would receive and with its high shield count and Hp, it was bound to survive 2 rounds. He used Bear behind that tank as the tank's flank ability allows the melee attacker in the second position to attack the enemy tank. Moreover, Bear has Halving ability, it could reduce the overall melee damage of the enemy tank each time it would attack. He placed Fungus and Marksrat on either side of Quora, that way his overall damage would increase by 4 should they die of poison. Moreover, Quora had the self-heal ability with which it could regenerate all of its lost HP through poison and more. And, it would also increase the stats of the other 2 monsters, namely Bear and Swell. That way, he also had a way of preserving his HP on his main attacker while also keeping his overall damage high.

His overall damage is 11 with a heal of 2. Adding in the effect from the stats boost, it comes to 16 damage per round.

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Major Events

Round 2

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The first 4 monsters to fall were his tank, and the 3 monsters with the martyr ability. Instantly, our damages were equal and the victory could've tipped on either side.

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His Bear bites the dust making it a 2 v 5 at the end of a long round.

Round 3

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Swell deletes my tank after half the round has passed and it was down to my last monster(Cthulhu) that could be a tank with damage affliction status.

Round 4

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At the end of the 4th turn, we see one crucial point where the game could turn to his favor even in a 1 v 4. And, he missed his melee attack thanks to Cthulhu's flying ability.

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And, at the end of the 4th round, it was all over for him. Had my ranged attackers missed their mark, it would've surely been over for me!



As you can see, we both had similar strategies and had the same amount of initial damage per round with a similar healing factor. The only thing he needed was to use a monster that had a damage factor in his tank's position, that way his overall damage would've been high and he would've had a higher chance to win it. I also wanted to see Cthulhu in action with its huge damage potential toward the enemy.

Battle Link

Battle Link

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

