Steem Monsters - How I bought the Chaos Legion Pack



So the poet's soul could not bear it and I decided to buy at least one Chaos Legion Pack.

All you need is 4,000 credits and a voucher. I bought a voucher on a hive-engine for 1.6 Hive (at that time it was $ 2.5) and bought credits for DEC - it is logical that for $ 4 As a result, the costs were $ 6.5


Since I have been playing regularly and for a very long time, I have no problems with potions, so the pack opened with their use.


They say that "newbies are lucky", but this is not my case. If I sell these cards at market prices, I only get $ 4.54. So my loss is $ 1.96

Will I still buy packs? Perhaps yes ...

изображение.png 10 Chaos Legion Pack = $70.8 4 Chaos Legion Pack = $5.99

After all, if you look at the statistics of the players, then you can go both into a minus and a plus.
Therefore, until my loss exceeds $ 100, I will continue to hope for luck.

0.197 PAL