Splinterlands - My Fifth & Unsuccessful Chaos Legion Pack



Sadly, the fifth pack turned out to be unsuccessful for me again. However, this did not upset me. It cost me $ 6.38 and yes, I understand perfectly well that you can buy a pack cheaper, but then I won’t get the chance for an airdrop. But I also understand that with such a small number of packs, my chances are minimal.


$ 6.38 minus $ 0.44 market price, this pack has been my biggest loss so far. But the total still does not exceed a hundred dollars, so I continue to buy new packs.

Theoretically, on a very small sample, any next open pack can completely pay off all the minus that I have already received, especially since I'm not even 10% in the red from the planned one.

Total: -1.96+0.27+5.4-5,89-5,94 = -8.12

Therefore, until my loss exceeds $ 100, I will continue to hope for luck.

0.023 PAL