Ladies of Hive Contest #169 - the uneasiness in the mall [ENG–ESP]


Hello dear community #ladiesofhive I am eager to participate the season of the month January, thanks to our dear @kerrislravenhill for giving us a lot of ideas to encourage us to participate and share our point of view or in part that is the experience of the most human from our heart 💟

In the next question I will answer is this.

1 ? I work annually on my household budget every January and my recent walk through a major shopping mall reminds me of how our financial goals can be undermined by the temptation to spend. What are your strategies and tactics for staying on track?

Well, to be honest I am not addicted to visiting all the malls. One of the reasons is because my family didn’t use to take me out. Only when there was a weekend to go to united cinemas to watch a movie 🎥. But as time went by, I stopped going to these places because by that time people used to buy pirate cd’s; which were a lot of copies and at a lower cost. Until the pendrive, internet pages and directv. nowadays we are using Netflix. But this meant that we stopped going to the malls. Being always at home and studying at school or visiting my aunt. Years went by like that, I even became uninterested in shopping malls.

I must also confess that money was not an easy source. Because when I received the money after a long day of work in fast food or pet sitting, the main expenses were college and my ticket. The main expenses were college and my airfare. I also had a college scholarship and it was also for school supplies. Even sharing expenses with my grandmother, because she was the reason that taught me to save and spend what is necessary. I became responsible for the decision, because I learned that if I buy on a whim it will bring problems later. That is, if I do not put order to the pending thing to pay, I could lose confidence or I would live with a lot of anxiety thinking that I wish I had not spent an object or garment when it was not a necessity.

After my 4 years of enjoying motherhood. My son is in school and I try to work out the 3 hours off. Sometimes I am selling soap and other days I am unable to sell until more products are made. That’s where I want to share my experience in the malls.

Almost every day I come to guacara mall “traki” I would say I am here because there is free wi-fi and I am not the only one, there are more people doing the same for their purposes. In my case to be able to do my blog and edit photos from my phone, so I can achieve the goal of publishing the post on #hive and I am also here to see all items that I will not be able to buy, but if it helps me to decide which ones are worth making this effort to buy something for me and my family. Even clothes for my husband who now has a unique style for going out or going to work. In my case I also include myself, I am satisfied in being able to wear my clothes every day. Now that we are in January, prices are on sale and I am afraid that money is not enough to overspend.

Until we saw that the mall offers a digital shopping app. It’s like interest-free credit. It makes you can buy according to the amount you can use on the platform. And then pay in three parts. Once for 15 days that is to say that if it cost you $30 you go paying the next $10 until culminating the full payment. Since then, here in the afternoon until the evening, there are a lot of people buying whatever they want. But in my case I can’t use this method. Until I have a secure source of income to fulfill the payment without problem. So it was left for later and I go first in the priority of school payment, household expenses, gasoline ⛽ for my husband’s car.

Meanwhile I keep visiting this place and I only feel an empty atmosphere since it is 8:00 AM and the stores are just opening and the common people are working the day. This loneliness that I transmit can reflect a lot of sadness. I think it is better when there are a lot of people around me and it is more entertaining with a lot of noise and people passing by and disserves. I even know who cleans the place and people who also go to the dining room.

Here I am visiting some stores that I liked several and they are of rocker styles to go to night events or party with a good rock music to download the good vibes. The workers, very kindly, can put the clothes aside for me, but I don’t accept it because I know it will take me more time to save the money. And to give you this final touch, I also decided to try this dress that costs $16 I hope to arrive on time while I’m saving to buy this dress. But for natural reasons; when I reach the goal of completing the money, it turns out that they are gone and most of them are not my taste or I am not attracted to what is in the store. This can happen...

My logic is that I have to pay a small amount for my personal savings from the beginning. And the day I want to buy I won’t have to go through this anymore. I hope to regain my independent work soon and to make this time a good administration.


2 ? Charitable donations are a normal part of my budget. They are not always cash donations, but can also be other resources such as your time and talents. Name your favorite Charity and what makes it special to you?

I remembered a lot of things I’ve done and some of them I don’t have photos to use as a reference. But I can gladly tell you a little bit.

In my personal life, I have always lived in silence. That is to say, my hearing impairment affected me in adapting to society and because of them I used to be discriminated against or rather bullied because I did not pronounce the word well. My self-esteem was bad. Until I realized that I was not the problem. I only have a gift for life and people only practice ignorance because of ignorance of the concept of disability.

There I knew it was time to face and give a chance to another person who has a lifelong condition, or even they are all complete but the negative thoughts play him wrong. I teach them to love as they are, to be free thinking and above all to have fun without being afraid of what others will say. I did not accept a “I can not” “I am not capable” because since then I put myself in the task to change what they have said. Setting an example and giving them this positive message, that they can see life better than before. They have thanked me for being attentive, optimistic and perseverance. Some told me I was crazy but they love my good energy.

I have also participated in theater, the idea was to give a reflective message to society, that we are different, but we are equal in the same right. And we adapted to them, now we ask them to adapt to us. I don’t remember the name of the title that was held on this day. But I know it was 2012 or so.

I have also had visits to oncological hospitals, edo Carabobo. We did a survey and obtained that family caregivers %50 are overprotective and unaware of medical care and the other %50 were cancer patients and were more likely that the family nuclei suffer future cancer more. Genetic issues. It is difficult but with the help of a clinical psychologist is the solution to organize everything. It was forbidden to take pictures there because of the machine environment and the respect towards the patients with their chemo process. I only got to read stories and tales that helped to distract and enjoy the imagination that I myself shared. I said that because I made facial expressions that could impact the positive message through the story.

Also about 11 years ago, on December 24th, I joined as a volunteer to a clown smile foundation. On behalf of a friend who invited me. I went just to donate gifts for the children in the Carabobo hospital. They could not be at home because they were still in rehabilitation or hospitalization. It was a beautiful experience that I cried like never before, because they are innocent children and seeing them happy is the best thing you can give and receive.

There is so much more... and I miss so much to be able to do everything as it was before. Two years ago I joined as a member of arts and disABILITY together with the president @dexyderia It is about people with and without disabilities so they can show their arts in drawings and painting. Where they will be open so they can be seen internationally, nationally and Latin America. We are still working on them, so far I am the administrator of the facebook group and so I am in charge of noting new participants and the others are already the sponsors and other president.

__Thank you for reading to the end and with all my being, I am participating in today’s contest. And for those who want to know more. Here is the contest community ladiesofhive __

The images are of my authorship, I edited the photos from snapssed and canvas 2canvas My facebook account. The english translation was used in deepl



Hola querida comunidad #ladiesofhive estoy ansiosa por participar la temporada del mes enero, gracias a nuestra querida @kerrislravenhill por darnos mucha ideas para animarnos a participar y compartir nuestro punto de vista o en parte que es la experiencia de lo más humano desde nuestro corazónes 💟

En la siguiente pregunta que voy a responder es este.

1 ? Trabajo anualmente en el presupuesto de mi casa cada enero y mi reciente paseo por un importante centro comercial me recuerda cómo nuestros objetivos financieros pueden verse socavados por la tentación de gastar. ¿Cuáles son sus estrategias y tácticas para mantenerse en el camino?

Bueno, para ser honesta no soy adicta a visitar a todos los centros comerciales. Una de la razones es porque mi familia no solían llevarme a pasear. Solo cuando había un fines de semana en ir al cines unidos para ver una película 🎥. Pero al pasar el tiempo, ya se dejó de ir a esto lugares porque para este entonces se compraba cd pirata; que eran mucha copia y al costo por debajo. Hasta que empezó el pendrive, páginas internet y directv. ahora en la actualidad se están usando el Netflix. Pero esto significaba que ya dejamos de ir a los centros comerciales. Estar siempre en casa y estudiar en la escuela o visitar a mi tia. Pasaron años así, hasta llegue a no interesarme de los centros comerciales.

También debo confesar que el dinero no era un fuente fácil. Porque cuando recibía el dinero después de una larga jornada laboral en comida rápida o cuidaba mascota. Los gastos principales eran la universidad y mi pasaje. También tenía una beca universitaria y también era para gastos de material escolar. Incluso compartir los gastos con mi abuela, porque ella era la razón de que me enseñó ahorrar y gastar lo que es necesario. Me volví responsable de la decisión, porque aprendí que si compro por capricho traerá problemas después. Es decir, si no pongo orden a la cosa pendiente por pagar se puede perder la confianza o viviría con mucha ansiedad en pensar que desearía no haber gastado un objeto o prenda cuando no era una necesidad.

Después de mi 4 años de disfrutar la maternidad. Mi hijo está en la escuela y yo intento resolver las 3 horas libre. A veces estoy vendiendo jabón y otro días estoy sin poder vender hasta que se hagan más productos. Allí es donde quiero compartir mi experiencia en los centros comerciales.

Casi todos los días vengo al centro comercial guacara “traki” diría que estoy aquí porque hay wi-fi gratis y no soy la única, hay más personas haciendo los mismos para su fines. En mi caso poder hacer mi blog y editar fotos desde mi teléfono, para así poder lograr alcanzar el objetivo de publicar el post en #hive y también estoy aquí para ver todo artículos que no podré comprar, pero si me ayuda a decidir cuáles vale la pena hacer este esfuerzo de comprar algo para mí y mi familia. Incluso ropa para mi esposo que ahora tiene un estilo único para salir o ir al trabajo. En mi caso también me incluyo, estoy satisfecha en poder estrenar mi ropa todo los días. Ahora que estamos en enero, los precios están de rebaja y temo que el dinero no nos cubre para gastar de más.

Hasta que vimos que el centro comercial ofrece una aplicación de compra digital. Es como un crédito sin interés. Hace que pueda comprar de acuerdo la cantidad que puede usar en la plataforma. Y después pagar en tres partes. Una vez por 15 días es decir que si te costó $30 vas pagando el siguiente $10 hasta culminar el pago completo. Ya desde este entonces, aquí en la tarde hasta la noche. hay mucha gente comprando lo que quieran. Pero en mi caso yo no puedo usar este método. Hasta que yo tenga una fuente de ingreso seguro para cumplir el pago sin problema. Así que quedó para después y voy primero en la prioridad del pago de la escuela, los gastos de la casa, la gasolina ⛽ para el carro de mi esposo.

Mientras tanto sigo visitando en este lugar y solo siento un ambiente vacío ya que son la 8:00 AM apenas están abriendo las tiendas y las personas comunes están trabajando el día. Está soledad que trasmito se puede reflejar mucha tristeza. Creo que es mejor cuando hay mucha gente a mi alrededor y sea más entretenido con mucho ruido y personas pasando de lado y diservesa. Hasta conozco quienes limpian el lugar y personas que también van a al comedor

Aquí estoy visitando algunas tiendas que me gustaron varias y son de estilos rockeros para ir a los eventos nocturnos o ir de fiesta con una buena música de rock para descargar la buena vibra. Los trabajadores, muy amables me pueden apartar las prendas. pero yo no lo acepto porque se que llevaré más tiempo en ahorrar el dinero. Y para darle este toque final, también decidí probar este vestido que cuesta $16 espero llegar a tiempo mientras voy ahorrando para comprarme este vestido. Pero por cuestiones natural; cuando alcanzo la meta de completar el dinero, resulta ser que ya no estan y la mayoría no son de mi gusto o no me atraes lo que hay en la tienda. Esto puede suceder...

Mi lógica es que debo desde principio abonar una pequeña cantidad para mí ahorro personal. Y el día que quiero comprar ya no tendré que pasar por esto. Espero pronto recupar mi trabajo independiente y hacer está vez una buena administración


2 ? Las donaciones caritativas son una parte normal de mi presupuesto. No siempre son donaciones en efectivo, pero también pueden ser otros recursos como su tiempo y talentos. ¿Nombra tu Caridad favorita y qué la hace especial para ti?

Vaya! Me recordé en mucha cosa que he hecho y algunos no posee fotos para usarlo como referencia. Pero con gusto puedo contar un poco.

En mi vida personal, siempre he vivido en silencio. Es decir, mi deficiencia auditivo me afectó en adaptarme a la sociedad y por ellos solía ser discriminada o mejor dicho el bullying porque no pronunciaba bien la palabra. y no tenía confianza en mi misma. Mi autoestima estaba mal. Hasta que comprendi que yo no era el problema. Solo tengo un don de por vida y las personas solo práctica la ignorancia por desconocimiento del concepto de la discapacidad.

Allí supe que ya era hora de afrontar y darle una oportunidad a otra persona que tiene una condicion de por vida, o incluso estan todo completo pero los pensamientos negativo le juega mal. Yo le enseño a amar como son, ser libre de pensamiento y sobre todo divertirse sin tener miedo lo que dirán los demás. Yo no aceptaba un “yo no puedo” “no soy capaz” porque desde este entonces me pongo en la tarea de que cambie lo que han dicho. Dando el ejemplo y darle este mensaje positivo, que puede ver la vida mejor que antes. Ellos me han agradecido por ser atenta, optimista y perseverancia. Algunos me decian que estaba loca pero adoran mi buena energía.

También he participado en teatro, se trataba para darle un mensaje reflexivo a la sociedad. que somos diferentes, pero somos iguales del mismo derecho. Y nosotros nos adaptamos a ellos, ahora pedimos que ellos se adapten a nosotros. No recuerdo el nombre del título que se realizó este día. Pero se que fue 2012 más o menos.

También he tenido visitas a los hospitales oncólogico, edo Carabobo. Hacíamos una encuesta y obtuvo que los cuidadores familiar %50 son sobreprotectora y desconoce la atención médica y el otro %50 eran los pacientes con cáncer y eran más probabilidades que los núcleos familiar padece a futuro un cáncer más. Por cuestiones genética. La decadencia y desasosiego aún siguen, es difícil pero con ayuda de una psicólogo clínica es la solución para organizar todo. Allí estaba prohibido tomar fotos por el ambiente de máquinas y el respeto hacia los pacientes con su proceso de quimio. Solo llegué a leer historias y cuentos que ayudaban a distraerse y puedan disfrutar la imaginación que yo misma compartia. Lo decía porque hacía expreciones facial que pueda impactar el mensaje positivo atravez del cuento.

También hace como 11 años un 24 diciembre, me uni como voluntaria a una fundación payaso sonrisa. De parte de un amigo que me invitó. Fui nada más para donar regalo para los niños en el hospital Carabobo. Que no podían estár en su casa porque seguía en rehabilitación o hospitalización. Fue una linda experiencia que llore como nunca, porque son niños inocentes que con verlos felices es lo mejor que uno puede dar y recibir.

Hay mucha cosa más.. y extraño muchísimo en poder hacer todo como era antes. Hace dos años me uni como miembro de artes y disCAPACIDAD junto con la presidenta @dexyderia Se trata de las personas con y si discapacidad para que puedan mostrar su artes en los dibujos y pintura. Dónde serán abierto para que puedan ser visto a nivel internacional, nacional y latinoamérica. Aún estamos trabajando en ellos, hasta ahora soy administradora del grupo facebook y así me encargo de anotar nuevo participantes y los demás ya son los patrocinadores y demás presidente.

Gracias por leer hasta el final y con todo mi ser, estoy participando el concurso de hoy. Y para quienes quieran saber más. Aquí está la comunidad concurso ladiesofhive

La imágenes es de mi autoría, se edito la fotos desde snapssed y canvas 2canvas. Mi cuenta facebook La traducción inglés se uso en deepl

0.029 PAL


Is that an 500 million Bolivar banknote? 🤦‍♀ It gives me the headache just to read it. Holy heaven!

0.000 PAL

I only have enough to use 4 tickets. Approximately 2 days and public transport is 13 bs good. Millions hehehe I understand how you feel 😅🥴 thanks for stopping by. I send you a hug and happy weekends 😊.

0.000 PAL

I am back! @ladiesofhive The nomination as a commentator. who gave a thoughtful message I liked two people. Moderator @kerrislravenhill for identifying us about our grandmother in teaching us to save early on and internet expenses.

The second is @feregifty34 for sharing her experience about using spending with interest and I liked when she asked me what I wanted to work on after my son's school. It's something I'm figuring out personally, and I liked the empathy.

How do I know I should choose one. The right thing to do is with @feregifty34 because although he is new to the hive platform. I see that he really does his best. Keep it up, because I liked your interaction 🙏🏻💫🤗💟💯

0.000 PAL

This is a heartfelt story, it's inspiring to hear about your journey and the positive impact you've had on others,
Your commitment to responsibility spending and charitable work is very inspiring, best wishes on achieving those wonderful goals that you've set for yourself

0.000 PAL

Thank you so much for your support and love. I have gone through a lot in my life. And I do the best I can to support my home and take good care of my son and husband. As long as I can help and be a part of his life, the rest we pass on memory and lived experience in a positive way. Thanks again for reading this far and I wish you a great weekend next to your loved ones. Hugs 🤗 💫🙏🏻

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0.000 PAL

Its good to know you had a grandma teacher who taught you how to spend and save. Well for me nobody thought me until when I had my first son,Bills where coming like text messages and I realized there is a place for spending inline with budgeting. Good to also know that some business ae quite understandable as a major prove they accept paying in installment for an item but in my country such is also available but with a high interest. Thanks for sharing this wonderful entry, I wish you a dream job after school. I would like you just to write down where you would like to work after your school.

0.000 PAL

Do they really have this method but with interest? This subject is sometimes overwhelming, you have to know how to manage strictly that once in a while you can treat yourself. Thank you for your beautiful words, this very positive message touched my heart. 💟🙏🏻💫About the question you asked me, if it is after school. It would be to have my own business selling cake or any sales, also have my office to attend primary care, which is mental health. Since I graduated from psychosocial therapy and this career I love it very much. But here they don't take this work into consideration. Only psychologists and social workers. I am like in a desert until now hehehe thank you very much for your support. I wish that I can achieve any goal and that the obstacles are not a limit. I send you a hug 🤗💟

0.000 PAL

A touching testimony on your journey explained more in experience than in tips and strategy. The Mall appears like a second home and the free WIFI wouldn't be a bad reason, I pay over $100+/month for my expensive Internet access. I'm also thankful for my Grandmother in teaching me a few things since my Mother was too busy working full time.
Thank you for sharing @aliciarodriguez 🛒

If you wish to qualify in the contest please put this Post link in the comment section of this post.

0.000 PAL

Ready! 🙆🏻‍♀️🙏🏻 I thought I posted the last step. A sincere apology, this weekend I had to clean the house 🙈🏠 thank you very much for the correction 💟💟

You know. I love knowing that your grandma taught you the importance of saving while your mom was working. I would say living is close union of our grandmothers. They are our life partner and become best friend in good and bad. I miss my grandma so much 💟🥺

You left me in breath when she mentions that internet service is $100 a month. And I pay $20 for internet service and the other $8 for my phone balance. The paycheck for the month here is little 🥴 what a tight situation 💸.

Thank you very much for sharing with me about our experience with the most beautiful grandma in the world 🤗✨

0.000 PAL

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@aliciarodriguez, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

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