"TC" The Coverage - Macro Photography Session - Technical Description


Hello everyone :)

In this macro photography session, I focus on combining two small elements of nature, creating a visual scenario rich in details and contrasts. On one side, a small plant in neutral colors, with delicate buds yet to open at the ends. On the other, a piece of tree bark, whose irregular surface is partially covered by a velvety green fungus, giving it a unique texture. The interaction between the two specimens forms a harmonious composition, where the softness of the buds contrasts with the roughness of the wood and the soft touch of the fungus. The lens approaches, revealing patterns and tones that go unnoticed by the naked eye, transporting me to a universe of fascinating shapes and textures.

  • My introductory thoughts about macro photography:

The world of macro photography is a field full of endless possibilities and limitless creativity. It's fascinating how the use of macro lenses, capable of creating softly blurred backgrounds, allows the capture of incredibly varied images, rich in contrast and texture.
This technique reveals a world of minute details that normally go unnoticed by the naked eye. It's as if a new reality unfolds before our lenses, inviting us to explore and admire the beauty present in the little things of everyday life.
What makes macro photography so captivating is its ability to transform our view of the world. With the right technique and approach, even the most ordinary elements can become true works of art, each image telling its own unique story.
The possibilities are limitless. Any object can become a protagonist, where the banal becomes extraordinary and the smallest details awaken a feeling of enchantment.

Let's see some results:

IMG_0718 copy.jpg

F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/400 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_0715 copy.jpg

F-stop: F/5 | Exposure time: 1/350 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 800

IMG_0717 copy.jpg

F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/150 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 800


F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/400 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_0719 copy.jpg

F-stop: F/5 | Exposure time: 1/350 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 800

Camera Settings

Focus Mode: Manual focus to ensure precision in specific details of the structure.
Aperture: Variable aperture between f/4 and f/5 for adequate depth of field, ensuring all important details are in focus.
ISO: Low ISO setting (800/1600) to minimize noise in images.
Shutter Speed: Adjust shutter speed as needed to avoid underexposure, while maintaining a value that allows you to capture sharp details.

Among the numerous techniques available for macro photography, this method is arguably the most cost-effective and efficient for individuals possessing a camera with a removable lens. By simply detaching the lens and reversing its direction, and employing an inversion ring, the process becomes more manageable and streamlined.

Some more pictures:


F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/400 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_07154 copy.jpg

F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/150 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 800


F-stop: F/5 | Exposure time: 1/350 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 800


F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/400 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/150 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 800


F-stop: F/5 | Exposure time: 1/350 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 800


F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/400 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


F-stop: F/4 | Exposure time: 1/150 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 800

  • Environment Preparation:
    Assembling the macro photography set in a controlled environment, minimizing the presence of dust and ensuring a clean and dark surface for positioning the subject.
  • Section Positioning:
    Placing the subject in position that highlight the unique characteristics, using appropriate supports to keep the example stable.
  • Lighting Adjustment:
    Setting the LED lights to provide uniform illumination, adjusting the intensity and angle of the lights to eliminate unwanted shadows.
  • Image Capture:
    Taking multiple shots with variations in aperture settings, shutter speed and capture angle, exploring different perspectives and compositions.
  • Image Review:
    Immediate analysis of images captured on the camera's viewfinder to ensure that all desired details were captured sharply and clearly.
  • Post-Production Editing:
    Importing images into editing software (Adobe Photoshop CS) to adjust brightness, contrast, sharpness and remove any imperfections.

The session is closed for today.
Hope you like it :)

These photos weren't taken with a tripod

Photo by @aleister
Camera - Canon EOS 600D
Lens - EFS 18-55mm
Location - Portugal

Thanks for following me and support my work!



See you soon
Thank you for watching

Never forget
The price of anything is the amount of life you trade for it.
Time is life... value yours, make every fraction worth it :)
