The uniqueness of the black butterfly has a unique tail


The uniqueness of a black butterfly that has a striped tail and white dots looks very beautiful standing on yellow needle flowers decorated with greenish leaves on May 23, 2022 on the outskirts of our family's house when we were in touch with our beloved family and saw a black butterfly with a striped tail. white who sucks the nectar of yellow needles by rushing to where the butterfly is, I continue to take pictures with a nikon d5200 camera with the camera's built-in lens with very satisfying results, the choice we got was one of the unique butterflies.


The green atmosphere sparkling with sunlight that fertilizes the plants can be seen from the prosperity of the universe, which can be seen in the picture that we show is one of the unique black butterflies.



This black butterfly has a unique tail, this is what made me take a portrait of the butterfly and we can display it on this blog, thank you for your support

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What lens and body did you use?

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