Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 219

Moment of sharing and advice among friends.
What's the best and worst advice you've been given and how have each affected your life? Use your own photos.
At 34 years old, I have received all kinds of advice, some I have analyzed and taken into account, others I have discarded because they did not really add up, but there has been advice that, because I did not have my own criteria as a young person, has affected my life.
Some of the people who have given me advice have been my parents, aunts, friends, cousins, the priest, my husband and even my 5 year old daughter.
The best advice that my husband and my parents have given me is that I should believe in myself, that I should not lose confidence in myself, that everything has its time, and that hope is never lost as long as there is love and vocation.** This advice is applied to my personal, work and love life.
And one of the worst pieces of advice was given to me by my cousin, when I was a teenager, he told me that I could not walk with a man without money, that does not give me status haha, I was 17 years old I decided to break up with the guy, even though he was the sweetest and most attentive young man, then I was alone and sad for a long time.
Social media, good or bad? Explain in each case. Use your own photos.
Social networks came to revolutionize the world from the positive and negative aspects.
Regarding the negative aspect, it has made human beings have a more direct relationship with the telephone or computer, and not with the human face, turning us into asocial human beings, in the same way we have become dependent on them, to the point that our moods depend on it.

Video call with my husband.
And on the positive side, it has been wonderful because it allows us to communicate with people thousands of miles away, as well as with my husband who is in Aruba, a neighboring island of my country Venezuela, he had to emigrate because of the economic, social and political situation of my country, my daughter and I communicate daily with him through whatsapp.
If you could choose between telekinesis or telepathy this weekend which would you choose and why, and how would you use it? Use your own photos. (google those things if you don't know what they are.)
These two elements would be interesting to have, I see them as super powers, telekinesis would help me to move things, I would use it to clean the house jejej the work would be more practical hehe.

My little family.
And telepathy is the power to communicate through the mind, without using the 5 senses, I would choose this one because I would communicate with my husband who is out of the country, and it would help him to stay calm and at peace, because lately he has been exhausted, and he wants to come to Venezuela, he needs us, our hugs, our warmth, in short his country.
Thank you friends for reading and supporting me in my publications, God bless you.
See you soon.
The pictures are from my Xiaomi Redmi11S phone.