My soil drawing of a beautiful African teenage girl..

Authored by @Akazu


Hi everyone,
Trust you're doing great?

Today, I'm glad to share my imaginary soil drawing of an African girl child with you here. A drawing that portrays a young Beautiful girl at the early stages of her life. That stage where she's clueless of which part to ride on in the journey of life, and sometimes been unable to make decisions without the help of her parents or guidance.

The drawing was put together just as I was led after I had a deep thinking of creating an image using irregular materials, one that could be found around without any form of stress.

About the drawing,the process isn't quite different from drawing with pencils. The only difference is it better doing it on a white board to avoid it spilling out of proportion or totally ruined while trying to move it from one place to another. I know you'd ask yourself, was any adhesive used in this art? well, let me address that! You can decide to use any adhesive of your choice if you have the time to do so but I don't use adhesives, I would rather print it out if I need it in frame. Lastly, If you noticed, I didn't watermark it(sign) using pen or marker, because it's a glossy surface and pen won't appear on it, a maker will but my roughen the finished work when when used to create a signature. I do hope you'd love my soil art!! Thanks for time.

The process





💖Thanks friends for stopping by 💖
