100DaysOfBlockchain #12 - My first NFTs


I spent this past week getting to understand better the world of NFTs. You probably have heard already about these Non Fungible Tokens.

Long time ago, when I didn't have a full-time everything, I used to spend time making all sort of designs: 2D designs and also 3D models. The 3D models where more reelated to the fact that I was designing small video game characters. Unforntunately, some of them are lost in a harddrive that I no longer posses.

Anyways, today I found some of those desgins and I just put them up in OpenSea under the Undiscovered Nights collection.

About 10 years ago, I couldn't afford traveling that much so I just used to imagine how a city would look like at night, take the cities' most emblematic attractions and just put them down in a minimal way. I guess I was a bit obssessed with logos back then as well.

So far I have been only able to recover London and Madrid but I hope to find the rest of the cities, so I can complete the collection.

100 Days of.png

What do you think should be the best approach to NFTs? Should someone put a price? Use the bid option? Is it better to create a collection or to sell items separately?

0.000 PAL