Regarding Pharesim


I've had an opportunity to address some things with Pharesim privately. He had and still has some concerns regarding the splinterlands proposal. Some of those concerns are echoed by others as well.

Matt has written an update to the proposal and Pharesim has shared with me that he'll review that sometime tomorrow and get back to us with feedback.

I apologize some of this drama spilled on chain. I could have taken a moment to not escalate immediately. I'm a little rusty at this stuff. Hive is better off when leaders work together.

I've requested he remove the upvote on the return proposal and we'll see what he does after rest and review. At the very least it seems like we've repaired some previously unsettled things and I hope for a smooth landing to this bit of turbulence.



Thanks for the constructive and honest talk. Glad we could clear up some old issues and can remove the personal factor from the equation now. Votes should be used for the good of the chain and nothing else.

Let's move on -> forward!


Hold tight until we learn more.
I still question the value of this

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 6.49.23 PM.png

$100K - $200K to come up with a plan ? I run a web2 gaming studio and a small top notch indie game costs this much.
That being said I believe you will do what you feel is best.


A "really effective marketing person"... Hmmm, I can see what I can do, for 100 - 200K. My resume is a little light on substance, I may not have much experience, but I'm fun to work with, enjoy creating plans, and can really create plans and plans can be created, ab testing and all that, long-term players, etc. Did this really say 100 - 200K per year? The best plans.


I agree. Looks like another nothing-burger to me.


We do need to start working together which with money and passion behind all of it does spark emotions for sure. But the constant divides are seriously chasing people away and investors away. Lets do better. Make Hive Great Again and Splinterlands and all those other apps. We need growth here desperately and I feel much of that will come from applications running on hive which are few at the moment.


Glad you guys worked it all out. We have to have the leaders working together so this thing can succeed.


The fact you ended up at THIS point speaks volumes. Nice one.


On Hive, no person or group should monopolize the funds, as power can lead to unethical behaviors as we can see, which is an issue at the moment. These funds should be used more efficiently. If necessary, consider transferring them to a NULL account. The current value plan isn't providing a good outcome for HIVE, and thus, a different approach might be beneficial.


I appreciate the effort Aggy.

Also appreciate Pharesim to be willing to settle the outstanding issues.

I really hope we can support each other. We have been here for a long time and at least we can say it ain’t for profit.

So let us fix our disagreements and move on so that ultimately this chain means something.


We have been here for a long time and at least we can say it ain’t for profit.


I commend you for talking it out and clearing the air. It's all to easy for things to get blown out of proportions very quickly when things get out in public especially with back and forth posts.

A good old private chat to clear the air and settle any grievances goes a long way.

I'm a hive witness supporting the blockchain.


If downvotes on Hive were utilized effectively and no bad downvotes, it could function well. However, currently, their usage by those with significant Hive power seems problematic it's bad, and hindering Hive's growth as investment in Hive is discouraged by bad downvotes and abuse taking place on Hive.

If downvotes on Hive were utilized effectively and no bad downvotes, it could function well. However, currently, their usage by those with significant Hive power seems problematic it's bad, and hindering Hive's growth as investment in Hive is discouraged by bad downvotes and abuse that is taking place on Hive. It's challenging to construct a truly decentralized structure on a centralized blockchain like Hive. Those who set the rules disregard them, creating an unfair environment.


Hello to the community! We're delighted to share a more extensive post with you, as we've noticed that longer articles seem to do well with our readers. At Bilpcoin, our core values are deeply rooted in unity, resilience, and fostering a positive environment within the Hive community. Our goal is to transform Hive into a more inclusive space, similar to the user-friendly atmospheres of Blurt and Steemit.

We're taking a firm stance against the Hive Police and the DHF, and the misuse of proposals by those who seek to accumulate power. We firmly believe that every voice in our community holds equal importance, and we encourage everyone to express their opinions freely and fearlessly. Downvotes are merely temporary setbacks, which we view as raindrops in our parade, not as deterrents from our mission.

Our commitment to advocating for change is unwavering. If Hive fails to evolve, we're prepared to persistently reemerge until we see the transformation we all desire. If you have friends who've been discouraged by downvotes and have left the Hive community, we invite you to encourage them to return and even create a few new accounts. This collective effort could significantly improve the current state of the Hive community.

Regarding the Hive Police and their supporters, we view them as a few rotten apples. If you align with them, you're part of the problem. It's time for a collective effort to rectify this situation. Instances like Mr. Beast being exposed and the similar fates of other bad actors have led us to believe that the same fate awaits the bad apples on Hive. We urge them to change their ways or consider powering down while Hive is still worth a few cents.

Many conversations on Hive revolve around Justin Sun and Steemit. However, we believe that the real issue lies within the Hive community, specifically with the bad actors who originated from Steemit. It's high time we address these issues. The abuse on Hive could potentially affect you, your friends, your family, and your children. We must act now and fix this – we can't afford to wait any longer.

The trending page on Hive often appears cluttered and unappealing, filled with content that doesn't add value to the community. Instead, it focuses on farming and selling Hive. Despite being downvoted for over a year now, we remain undeterred and are still here, working diligently to get the issues fixed on Hive. We have everything documented for reference, building a case takes time and evidence. The longer it goes on, the more we find, and we get paid for our efforts, so we just keep going.

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Exploring the Supply of BPC: Total Supply, Circulating Supply, Burned, and Staked BPC STATS FEB 19 2023 Bilpcoin

Find links to why we was downvoted on Hive

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