Beautiful foliage image


After some really nasty heatwaves, we are having such nice, lower temperatures again. The clouds show up in the sky, and the cool evenings have some rain from time to time. Pure bliss! It is finally possible to go out and actually enjoy it.
From time to time, the wind and sound of leaves made it feel like it was autumn again...
Ohhhh Autumn <3


This is one of the last autumn walks I took. One of many. The forest was so irresistible to skip it, so I was ending up wandering around whenever I had some time. With camera or without. The colorful leaves, fresh air, and tall whispering trees were calling me. If it didn't get dark so fast I would stay in the woods much longer too :)
Entering from a small road and you are in a different world. So peaceful and quiet you can hear each step you make in the fallen leaves.

The part above has new trees planted some time ago. I remember an old forest there but it was all renewed, and a new set of trees has been planted. This part of the woods has mainly deciduous trees and looks like they decided to keep it that way. I saw many oaks planted too, which is nice.
In the spring, they all burst with the light green, and in the fall, it's like a rainbow of colours. Beautiful spot!

After passing the new baby trees, we finally get to the old part.
When we were kids, we used to pick the colourful leaves and make decorations out of them for the classroom. Dozens and dozens of leaves dragged back with us :D All carefully picked and put in some vases only to turn brown soon after.

You can see all the different types growing together chaing colours in their own time and to their own specific shade.

These are beech leaves 👇
I guess you can tell I can't wait for the fall to arrive. But until then, we still have to go through hellish summer.


