I gave up coffee for two months!

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As a self proclaimed coffee addict, I was putting down 3-4, sometimes 5-6 cups of coffee every day before I gave it up on the 1st of January 2022. I gave it up by accident. I was doing a Keto diet and my favourite cafe had closed down during the holiday season, so I just didn't get round to making myself any coffee at home. After a couple of days without coffee, with the expected withdrawal symptoms, I decided to carry on for a couple of weeks. Two weeks became a month. A month become two months, and honestly, I think I could have carried on for ever.

I love coffee, however, so I decided to have a cup today to end the hiatus. I am not going to go back to drinking as much coffee as I used to, since it was pretty bad for my general health, but I am going to have a maximum of 1 cup a day from time to time.



This cup in the video is pure black coffee, which is how I've always had my coffee - at least for the past 6 years. I don't take milk, cream, sugar or anything with it. There's research showing that black coffee is actually good for you ( in moderation), but there's also research showing the opposite. Like anything in life, moderation is usually the key.

I also think that rather than just drinking it as I would ordinary water, that is opting for coffee whenever I'm thirsty, I shall reserve it for a special time. Perhaps having it when meeting up with a friend for a coffee chat, reading some chapters from a book I've just started recently, or having a nibble of some of my Keto desserts that I've learn't over the months.

As it happens, my favourite cafe, the one that I mentioned in a previous post that had closed down, has now re-opened. Perfect! just in time for Spring time. I look forward to lazy days sitting by the shop window watching people go by their business.

Epic shoutout to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community on Hive



I was expecting a to react to the coffee in a stronger way than I did, so I was surprised not to have. I hadn't had any caffeine, or knowingly so, in two months. I was expecting to feel a little hyper afterwards, but I didn't feel any of that. What did happen though was my heightened senses of smell and taste with regards to the coffee.

Ethiopian coffee, which was my brew of choice, is very aromatic. The minute I opened the bag, the air was filled with the heavenly smell of coffee. My kitchen smelt like one of those specialty coffee shops. I could swear I perceived every individual ingredient :)

Taste was the same. I could taste stuff I wouldn't have sensed before. It seemed more bitter, with a dry after-taste. I remember that being the taste I was after as an addict :) - that bitter, dark roast taste, especially since it wasn't masked by milk, cream or sugar.

The unexpected effect, which I noticed in hindsight, was having to go pee four times in the hour following me drinking that cup. I was editing the video when it suddenly dawned on me. Of course! Coffee is a diuretic. My kidneys were obviously freaked out and were trying to balance things out, especially since I new drink enough water and am not dehydrated like I used to be. I also take supplements now, including Vitamin D and K2, which patrol the blood and try to regulate things. I'm not surprised. I've also been drinking a natural elixir , designed by a doctor out of natural products, every morning that keeps me hydrated and my liver clean. I should do a post about this next week when I complete the first session and have results.

All in all, the coffee hiatus is hereby over. I am drinking coffee again, but in moderation. Yay!

Peace & Love,


▶️ 3Speak


Hello @adetorrent,
I've been keen to hear your update on your coffee-hiatus.
Thanks for being open and honest with your feedback:

"A coffee addict on a 2-month coffee break"

First of all, let me congratulate you on your determination and strength to complete your experiment. I few points that I really liked:

  • Your combination of supplements was excellent. I learned something new about it K2. Vit D, zinc, Vit C is my usual sets of vitamins that I take including B12 and iron. Yes, Vit D especially is key for these times. Also, for persons who look like us, we have difficulty absorbing the nutrients of Vit D, so it's advisable for us to take additional supplements.
  • Sauerkraut; I didn't know that it had such benefits, but I do like it, so will try to include it in my diet.
  • Most important; your "first" impressions of coffee. I think you made a good decision by sampling the pure Ethiopian brand. But maybe to break yourself in nicely, you could go for another brand like the Brazilian with a milder, more rounded flavour?

Your heartfelt community shout-out caught me by surprise, so a massive THANK YOU! It's great to have you back, and I'm happy to hear that you intend to make your health a priority and cut back on your daily intake of coffee.

Welcome back😊, and see you around:)


Thank you, and I'm glad to be back :)

"...Also, for persons who look like us, we have difficulty absorbing the nutrients of Vit D" - I'm shocked how many people don't actually know about this. There's also a cultural aspect that makes it worse, especially muslim women that tend to cover up their skin. Even in Africa there's a deficiency due to this. When the data started coming in that darker-skinned people (Afro-Caribbeans and South Asians) were being more affected by COVID in 2020, the bells started to ring about Vitamin D, but you know, nobody pushed this officially. I don't know why. It's also linked to the higher incidence of mental illness in darker skinned people living in temperate countries. It's so crucial!

I think this pandemic turned many of us into medical experts haha.


I was so happy that you highlighted Vit D.

Many years ago I got a letter from my GP asking me to come in to test my Vit D levels. I quickly rang them back to the state that there's no way I could have been lacking vit d because I grew up in a tropical country and spent most of my time in the sun.

They explained to me exactly what you mentioned, that persons of our complexion, and South Asians have difficulty absorbing Vit D. I was shocked to hear that.
I did the test, and I was severely deficient. It took me several months of high dosages of Vit D to increase to the normal level.

The reason that prompted my GP to call me in, was because I was having many aches and pain, of symptoms typical to anaemia (that I suffer from). However they finally got my levels of iron and B12 up to the perfect levels, but I continued to experience symptoms.

At the onset of Covid I made sure to increase my intake of the Vitamin, and it also helps to ward off many cancers that we are more prone to.

When all my mineral levels were up to par, I felt brand new, as if I'd got a new lease on life😁


My other half went off coffee a few years back, but I drink a few cups per day, what is mostly hand ground beans that I get from @whiterosecoffee. I would find it hard to give up and even if I miss a morning cup I can feel it. Was the withdrawal hard for you? What did you drink instead?

I expect I ought to take more supplements generally, but my health is not too bad apart from a recent cold. I seem to have avoided COVID so far.

Stay well!


My withdrawal symptoms were;

  • Moodiness
  • Headaches for the first 3 days
  • Lethargy

I'm glad you've evaded the virus. I have too. I'm not totally sure if that's a good thing or not haha.


I was expecting to feel a little hyper afterwards, but I didn't feel any of that.

Interesting. It's been quite a while that I don't drink coffee and for a reason: whenever I drink coffee again I feel electrified, anxious. My body also feels "dry".


Electrified could be good, but anxious is not so good. Best keep away from it :/


I love coffee and have no desire to give it up. I drink it black as well with no additions, so I'll continue to tell myself that the health benefits must certainly be there 😀 {Deep inhale}....wow, love that smell!


You also brew it yourself mostly so at least there are no toxic chemicals added 🙌🙌
I think inhaling coffee must be good for your health also 😂😂


Hello Adé,
Please, could you reply to this message with the thumbnail photo from your vlog, with the caption "No Coffee for 60 Days", on the photo as it is?
I normally would use any other photo but would like to use that one for the curation on Friday. The system doesn't allow me to copy that photo.
I would appreciate it very much:)


Hi, sorry, hope not too late. Only just saw this. Here it is:

no coffee for 60 days.png


Ok, I appreciate it. No, it's not too late. I need it for next Friday but thought I'd message you early in case you were busy.
Spring is in the air😍
Have a relaxing Sunday evening!
Thank you so much :)


what's interesting, is that people on Keto usually begin their day with coffee packed with oils. what was your day like? did you do any intermittent fasting? can't remember if I read that


I know right? All that “bulletproof coffee” stuff with butter and oils. I don’t know that all that is about anyway 😂

I may have done some fasting without intending to. There were days that I woke up and just didn’t feel like eating anything, so I didn’t. At some point it felt like food wasn’t so urgent and had to remind myself to eat.
