What if ...?/ Series Review [ENG-SPA]



Source/Fuente/ Image created with Canva/Imagen creada con Canva

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If you are a fan of the Marvel universe and you don't have a Disney+ subscription then you are missing out on some things like their series, I have been catching up with some of the movies I haven't seen and watching some of the series that have emerged around all these characters.

Si tu eres fan del universo de Marvel y no tienes una suscripción de Disney+ pues te estas perdiendo de algunas cosas como sus series, yo he estado poniéndome al día con algunas de las películas que no había visto y viendo algunas de las series que han surgido alrededor de todos estos personajes.



So watching the movies and series in chronological order, I have found some surprises and today I want to share with you one of them and it is an animated series called What if..., this series revolves around those super heroes we have seen in all those movies, but here in each chapter we are presented with a hypothesis of what would happen if instead of any of the already known events happened something different, no matter how minimal it might be.

Así viendo las películas y series en orden cronológico, me he encontrado con algunas sorpresas y hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una de ellas y es una serie animada que lleva por nombre ¿Qué pasaría si...?, esta serie gira en torno a esos super héroes que hemos visto en todas esas películas, pero aquí en cada capitulo nos plantean una hipótesis de que pasaría si en lugar de haber ocurrido alguno de los hechos ya conocidos ocurriera algo diferente por mas mínimo que esto pudiera ser.



Words more words less, we talk about the parallel universes where the events may have happened or happen in a different way, so each chapter of the first season shows us different avengers than the ones we know.

To give you an idea in this series there is a character who narrates the facts and in each chapter we have a possibility of how it would be an avenger and / or those around him if something unforeseen had happened in the events that led to the time of his change in the story we know, for example, imagine that Steven Rogers who is known as the first avenger, did not become Captain America and instead the serum was given to Agent Carter, or image to one or more of the avengers as zombies or Ultron won.

Palabras mas palabras menos, hablamos de los universos paralelos donde puede que los hechos se hayan dado o den de manera diferente así, cada capitulo de su primera temporada nos muestra unos vengadores diferentes a los que conocemos.

Para que tengan una idea en esta serie hay un personaje que nos va narrando los hechos y en cada capítulo nos plantea una posibilidad de como seria un vengador y/o quienes lo rodean si hubiera ocurrido algún imprevisto en los hechos que los llevaron al momento de su cambio dentro de la historia que conocemos, por ejemplo, imaginen que Steven Rogers quien es conocido como el primer vengador, no se convirtiera en El Capitán América y en su lugar el suero se le diera la Agente Carter, o imagen a uno o varios de los vengadores como zombis o que Ultron ganara.



As for the drawings or animations I think they are very well done that are top notch and give a more lively and bold movement to some of the characters in some of the episodes, for some movements that obviously for a human being are difficult to perform and also within the plot, script and expressions there is a touch of satire and irony in some of the episodes as expected and makes it fun.

En cuanto a los dibujos o animaciones me parece que están muy bien realizados que son de primera y dan un movimiento mas vivo y audaz a algunos de los personajes en algunos de los episodios, por algunos movimientos que obviamente para un ser humano son difíciles de realizar y también dentro de la trama, guion y expresiones hay su toque en sátira e ironía en algunos de los episodios como es de esperarse y lo hace divertido.



One of my favorite chapters is the one in which, to give a little spoiler, several of the candidates of the avengers initiative fail to be part of the team, now I will not say the reason and how the events occur, because really here some of those we know as good are now bad and the bad guys have turned from their evil ways, plus some fail to play the roles we have seen in the movies, imagine another of the avengers in the place of Peter Quill "Star Lord", things like this and more will be what you will see.

Uno de mis capítulos favoritos es en el que, por dar un pequeño spoiler, varios de los candidatos de la iniciativa vengadores no logran forma parte del equipo, ahora no diré la razón y como ocurren los hechos, ya que realmente aquí algunos de los que conocemos como buenos ahora son malos y los malos se han vuelto de sus malos caminos, además de que algunos no logran interpretar los papeles que hemos visto en las películas, imaginen a otro de los vengadores en el lugar de Peter Quill “Star Lord”, cosas como estas y mas será lo que veras.



For all of the above and more I recommend this series, it will keep you entertained with the possibilities they raise and thinking what else can occur to them, the truth to me it cost me to detach myself from the TV and I only did it because the internet sabotaged me and without hesitation the next day I returned and I could see the last two chapters of this first season and waiting for what they will come up with for the second season.

Por todo lo anterior y mas te recomiendo esta serie, pues te mantendrá entretenido con las posibilidades que plantean y pensando que mas se les podrá ocurrir, la verdad a mi me costo desprenderme del televisor y solo lo hice porque el internet me saboteo y sin dudarlo al día siguiente volví y pude ver los últimos dos capítulos de esta primera temporada y a la espera de que se les ocurrirá para la segunda temporada

Gracias por leer dos idiomas.png

Finally, if you want to see a series of Marvell out of the classic and rational where nothing of the universe is like what you already know from movies and series this series is for you, here I share the official trailer so you have an idea of what awaits you, now I retire waiting to share with me your impressions of this series if you have seen it and if not and has caught your attention also encourage you to leave a few words.

Finalmente, si deseas ver una serie de Marvell fuera de lo clásico y racional donde nada del universo sea como lo que tú ya conoces por las películas y series esta serie es para ti, por acá les comparto el tráiler oficial para que tengan una idea de lo que les espera, ahora me retiro esperando compartan conmigo sus impresiones sobre esta serie si la han visto y de no ser así y les ha llamado la atención también anímense a dejar unas palabras.

Translat with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Dividers created by @eve66/ Separadores creados por @eve66


Gif created with Canva/ Gif creado con Canva


I've started watching this as well! Pretty interesting, but definitely for fans!


If it is for someone who already knows or has seen most of the movies, otherwise they will understand absolutely nothing and then be confused.


we (my family and I) haven't tackled What-If series yet. I have read some of the old what If comics from "back in the day" and they tend to be an interesting twist on how things could have been, with The Watcher narrating the stories.

Fun stuff, and something to look forward to.

Thanks for sharing.


I found it very interesting to see how different some of the stories could be from the ones we already know, besides the animation is very good and as always in some moments they do funny things to make us laugh, this series will surely please you and your family.


I love watching marvel movies but not as much as with the animated version. 😊

Seen the trailer, it seems this is the version of the avengers in another universe?

Thanks for sharing.



Well, this series is perfect for you and it's not another universe, it's other universes.


Let me think about it. It's not the usual square face characters and the quality of the animation looks great. 😊
