The financial situation at home was not very favorable, my husband had just lost his job and my son had foolishly fallen into a scam, I was not only stressed, but also very upset, because as often happens, I warned them of the signs that indicated that a disaster could happen, but what is done is done, so it only remains to face the crisis and take steps to solve and move forward.
As it usually happens, we began to choose between what was really needed at home and what was luxury or dispensable until the situation stabilized, but there are things that one is simply not willing to give up or leave and among them is coffee.
from PxHere
The issue is the high cost of coffee, especially the favorite brand at home, but something had to be solved to continue drinking our beloved coffee and the brand we liked, but as it usually happens, opportunities arise where and when you least expect it.
A week after our financial disaster we saw an advertisement, it was nothing more and nothing less than the owner of the coffee company of our favorite brand, the ad was a job application a little strange, it was about spending a week in one of his mansions, but this mansion had a detail, in theory it was haunted, but the pay was really tempting, a lifetime supply of coffee from his popular company.
After discussing it at home and still with fear I decided to call and opt to spend the week in a supposedly haunted mansion and as nowhere did it say if I should be alone or accompanied, I took my husband and son with me.
When we arrived at the place we fell in love with the view, the mansion was really beautiful, very big, surrounded by many green areas and near a forest, during the day everything seemed perfect, but at night being in a place a little isolated was a little scary, the first night we really did not sleep, we heard noises and something climbing the walls and suddenly loud banging, so just in case we were all together in the same room, to take care of us, if someone was sleepy, another could be aware of what was happening around us.
The fact that we lived in a place surrounded by nature allowed us to face this challenge from another angle, the next morning, we decided to explore a little to see if those sounds were really something supernatural or something simpler, everything seemed to indicate that we had several furry neighbors such as opossums, rats, raccoons, many birds, among others.
from PxHere
That night we decided to go a little further and spend the night in a room closer to the sounds that had a view to the outside and we discovered the origin of the sounds, the culprits of the sounds that were heard in the haunted mansion, were the raccoons and opossums, They climbed in places where they produced sounds of different intensity depending on the material they touched or where they fell and not to mention if they had a skirmish, because when there was an echo in some places the sound was magnified and if the people in the mansion had not had these animals as neighbors before, they could logically believe that they were ghosts or some supernatural being.
So we spent the whole week in the mansion and we managed to clear up the mystery to the owner of the mansion, who not only signed us a contract for the lifetime supply of coffee, but also hired us in his company and gave us a nice house to live in.
Wrapping up, this is my participation in the #STB Coffee Prompt Week 68, wishing that we all manage to have a lifetime supply of coffee always, always in our homes.