Why They're Actually Fighting Decentralization and Cryptocurrency


It was supposed to last for two weeks. That's how a whole 7 billion inhabited planet has been lied to fall in one of the biggest and deadliest traps it has ever experienced. It's now over one and a half years since the corona virus has been released in the world, by the same diabolical powers that came with the measures we have to endure for all that long.

Lockdowns, masks, vaccines and we're still where we left from. I don't know about you, but for me is crystal clear that the current global situation with corona and all the fear induced to the public has only one purpose: a new world order. An order where there will be one world government, one world accepted currency/type of currency, in this case CBDCs, and no trace at all of any fundamental rights humanity was once benefiting from.


Have a look at this screenshot from a news of The Telegraph and tell me it doesn't all puzzle in. The three underlined paragraphs say it all. My words are total waste of time to the screenshot, but I have to share my views as well, as some of you already know me as being an opinionated person.

"Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spend on essentials, or goods which and employer or Government deems to be sensible". That's an atrocity. Not even communism was that bad in this regard. Just imagine getting your paycheck and not being able to buy books, crypto, condoms or sugary products, cuz the government or your employee does not allow that.

Redefining programmable money

I thought crypto was about programmable money, but no, the governments are not into crypto, except El Salvador. They would love digital money, but they would also love that digital money to be programmable so they can control every damn move one can make in this world.

Man, what gloomy days may await for us in the future...

What a bad day I had so far. A "safeguard" at a supermarket kicked me out for not wearing a mask and this time I haven't protested in any way. Just cursed and promised myself to never get back there and now I get to read about this programmable central banks money...

The nest is getting tighter and tighter and literally 90% of the planet is watching Netflix and eating junk food.

I tell you one thing: we either decentralize everything and start using these damn cryptocurrencies as they were designed to, while building a new type of economy on top of decentralized blockchains or we're screwed. For whoever accepts a life that's controlled by the government in almost any way you can think of and doesn't love freedom, life on earth wouldn't be that gray, but for me...

I'd rather live in the woods. I will never accept the government telling me what to do with my funds and what am I allowed to buy with it. I am not owned by anyone, let that be clear. That's why my go to currencies are cash and crypto. The more we're reliant on banks the easier we will be enslaved.

Hope you have a good day... mine is not that good for sure.

Thanks for attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.153 PAL


i'm with you brother!

Dorona Virus was released yesterday and has come to help "save the world":

A "safeguard" at a supermarket kicked me out for not wearing a mask

Happened to me too a couple of weeks ago. i've let it go, but won't go back! https://ecency.com/hive-174122/@atma.love/kaufland-supports-mass-murder

I'd rather live in the woods.

I do :-). And i accept any crypto-currency (except XRP or DOGE :-) as payment for guests to stay. Work exchange also an option - i have volunteers come quite often, and recruit them to Hive. eg. @valera7368 is a new recruit.

Peace man

0.000 PAL

That's great. I still believe though that we should try and fight them as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Well, me too, but we need to fight smart. To do that we have to organise ourselves very well. To do that we need an equitable bottom up multi-level governance system with an anonymous concentrated consensus mechanism. If we can get that off the ground (need 100 people to help test it inititially), then they won't have a hope! in my opinion.

0.000 PAL

Oh wow the current situation is all over the place on the one hand they are pushing for digital currencies and on another they are trying to stop them.

It's an odd position

0.000 PAL

They're trying to stop crypto so they can launch their damn CBDCs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

F..the "Babylon Coins"= Digital Currencies
All power to free Cryptos!😜

0.000 PAL

We need to start using them more. Use case is much more important than HODLing imo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Where's the Hive Store?😉

0.000 PAL

F... the governments, they will fall & we all become El Salvador 😉

0.000 PAL

our only luck is that crypto is innovating faster than they can regulate. once they catch up, it will be a real fight.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

0.000 PAL

I don't know. Hope you're right. It's disappointing seeing how lazy and compliant people are these days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

that is our only advantage, in my opinion, that people from govt are too lazy to learn about crypto. once they know all that it is to be known, it will be much harder. imahine them learning how to do pump/dump, using that to get 51% governance in main projects. at least in Romania, they learn about crypto because they want to use it to hide the money they stole from govt.

0.000 PAL

I hope Romania will stay far fat away from globalization. I'd definitely choose corruption over what's currently happening, although the choice is bitter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL

In other words, absolute and total control so that they know what to spend and what not to spend, I prefer to stay with crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL