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how they are going to "regulate Web3"

They can't. The ones talking this type of shit don't actually understand decentralized blockchains and WEB 3.0 or don't really care about them. The sad truth is that most of the crypto people, 90% of the crypto involved, don't give a damn about the tech they're talking about, all they care about is their portfolios and dollar valuations. Otherwise plenty of them would be on Hive already.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL


Couldn't agree more, I always wonder about those people, like how do they choose their investments, I personally don't have experience trading or charting t.a. so I try to research the projects I invest in and in some cases try out the product, have no clue how do those people do...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

0.001 PAL